Issue 6, 2023

Eu2+ luminescence in CaYGaO4 olivine: a new efficient red phosphor for warm illumination


Fine control of the photon emission of Eu2+ activated luminescent materials is essential for advanced optoelectronic applications. However, it remains difficult to design blue light excitable Eu2+ doped oxide red phosphors due to the ionicity of the oxide ions. Herein, we have mechanistically demonstrated that an Eu2+ incorporated CaYGaO4 phosphor exhibits efficient red emission at 650 nm, as a result of the Eu2+ 4f65d1 electronic state experiencing strong crystal field splitting. DFT calculations reveal that the Eu2+ ion is energetically favored in the octahedral Ca2+ site, which is responsible for the fascinating optical properties. We have also demonstrated a strategy of post thermal annealing for improving both the emission efficiency and thermal emission quenching properties of this newly developed red phosphor. By employing the as-fabricated phosphor as a red color convertor, a warm white lighting device with a high color render index of 89.7 and low corrected color temperature of 3780 K was constructed. Our findings not only provide a promising red phosphor candidate for lighting of excellent quality, but also help to stimulate new routes for designing and improving the photon emission of rare-earth luminescent materials.

Graphical abstract: Eu2+ luminescence in CaYGaO4 olivine: a new efficient red phosphor for warm illumination

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Article type
28 Oct 2022
03 Jan 2023
First published
04 Jan 2023

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 2153-2161

Eu2+ luminescence in CaYGaO4 olivine: a new efficient red phosphor for warm illumination

T. Hu, Z. Jiang, B. Wang, T. Yu, D. Wen, Q. Zeng and Y. Gao, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 2153 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC04585K

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