Improving the analysis of phase-separated bio-fuel samples with slice-selective total correlation NMR spectroscopy†
Separated samples are a particular challenge for NMR experiments. The boundary is severely detrimental to high-resolution spectra and normal NMR experiments simply add the two spectra of the two layers together. Pyrolysis bio-oils represent an increasingly important alternative fuel resource yet readily separate, whether due to naturally high water content or due to blending, a common practice for producing a more viable fuel. Slice-selective NMR, where the NMR spectrum of only a thin slice of the total sample is acquired, is extended here and improved, with slice-selective two-dimensional correlation experiments used to resolve the distinct chemical spectra of the various components of the phase-separated blended fuel mixtures. Analysis of how the components of any blended biofuel samples partition between the two layers is an important step towards understanding the separation process and may provide insight into mitigating the problem.