Issue 12, 2024

A first-principles exploration of the conformational space of sodiated di-saccharides assisted by semi-empirical methods and neural network potentials


Previous exploration of the conformational space of sodiated mono-saccharides using a random search algorithm leads to ∼103 structurally distinct conformers covering an energy range of ∼150 kJ mol−1. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that the number of distinct conformers for a given disaccharide would be on the order of 106. Efficient identification of distinct conformers at the first-principles level has been demonstrated with the assistance of neural network potential (NNP) with an accuracy of ∼1 kJ mol−1 compared to DFT. Leveraging a local minima database of neutral and sodiated glucose (Glc), we develop algorithms to systematically explore the conformation landscape of 19 Glc-based sodiated disaccharides. To accelerate the exploration, the NNP method is implemented. The NNP achieves an accuracy of ∼2.3 kJ mol−1 compared to DFT, offering a comparable quality to that of DFT. Through a multi-model approach integrating DFTB3, NNP and DFT, we can rapidly locate low-energy disaccharide conformers at the first-principles level. The methodology we show here can be used to efficiently explore the potential energy landscape of any di-saccharides when first-principles accuracy is required.

Graphical abstract: A first-principles exploration of the conformational space of sodiated di-saccharides assisted by semi-empirical methods and neural network potentials

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 Nov 2023
25 Feb 2024
First published
27 Feb 2024

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 9556-9567

A first-principles exploration of the conformational space of sodiated di-saccharides assisted by semi-empirical methods and neural network potentials

H. T. Phan, P. Tsou, P. Hsu and J. Kuo, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 9556 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP05362H

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