The Effect of H2 Occupancy Modes in Small and Large Cages of H2-Tetrahydrofuran Hydrates on the Hydrates Stability and H2 Storage Capacity


Hydrogen storage as hydrates is considered as one of the most environmentally benign approaches to store hydrogen as it requires only water and traces of promoters. However, advancing scalable controls on hydrogen hydrates formation is hindered by the limited understanding of the structure, dynamics and energetics of hydrogen and promoters in the hydrate cages. In this study, molecular dynamic simulation configurations with different occupancy modes of H2 and Tetrahydrofuran (THF) in the hydrate cages are investigated under the following scenarios: i) two H2 molecules occupying the small cages, ii) occupancy of H2 molecules in the THF-free large cages, and iii) co-occupancy of H2 and THF in one large cage. Exploring these scenarios reveals the impact of occupancy modes on the dynamic motion of guest and water molecules and on the hydrate structure stability. The results show that the occupancy of two H2 molecules in the small cages reduced the stability of hydrate structure, triggered the inter-cage hopping of H2 molecules through pentagonal faces, and increased the probability of hydrogen bond formation between THF and cage H2O molecules. The thermodynamic stability of hydrate cages is increased when the THF-free large cages are occupied by H2 molecules and the tetrahedral feature of H2 distribution in the large cages is enhanced when the number of H2 in one cage increased from two to three. When the large cages are co-occupied by H2 and THF, the inter-cage migration of H2 originated from large cages demonstrated two different features, i.e., ballistic motion (MSD ∝ t2) due to the tunneling behavior in the initial stage and diffusive motion in the late stage. The ballistic migration of H2 molecules might be more favorable for hydrate stability than the diffusive migration. The decay rate of THF orientation is reduced when the interaction between THF and H2O molecules is stronger. The insights provided by this study are crucial to advance the understanding of hydrogen storages as hydrates for a sustainable energy future.

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22 Dec 2024
21 Feb 2025
First published
24 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, Accepted Manuscript

The Effect of H2 Occupancy Modes in Small and Large Cages of H2-Tetrahydrofuran Hydrates on the Hydrates Stability and H2 Storage Capacity

R. Zheng, S. Mohammed, Y. Jia, R. HAZRA and G. Gadikota, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4CP04820B

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