Millet flour as a potential ingredient in fish sausage for health and sustainability
Flour from nine varieties of millets-finger millet, foxtail millet, little millet, kodo millet, pearl millet, proso millet, barnyard millet, browntop millet and sorghum was compared with corn flour in the formulation of fresh tilapia sausages, at 10% inclusion level. The parameters compared were proximate composition, colour, texture attributes, and sensory acceptability. Millet flour-added sausages showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) for most of the varieties in the biochemical constituents compared to the control. Millet flour inclusion did not affect the textural characteristics of sausages and resulted in comparable viscoelastic properties as revealed by the folding test. The colour of raw millet flour did not have any correlation with the final sausage colour. In sensory evaluation, the millet-included sausages presented higher overall acceptability scores than the one prepared using corn flour. Millet flour in fish sausage formulation was concluded to be an ideal healthy substitute to conventionally used flours in sausage and contribute to SDG-2.