Issue 21, 2024

Well-balanced performance achieved in PZT piezoceramics via a multiscale regulation strategy


Emerging high-power piezoelectric applications demand the development of piezoelectric materials featuring both a high mechanical quality factor (Qm) and a large piezoelectric coefficient (d33). However, it is widely accepted that an increase in d33 is usually accompanied with a decrease in Qm, and vice versa. Herein, a multiscale regulation strategy is proposed to improve Qm and d33 simultaneously from the perspectives of phase structure, ferroelectric domains, and lattice defects. A well-balanced combination of electromechanical performances with Qm = 726, d33 = 502 pC N−1, kp = 0.69, tan δ = 0.0024, and TC = 267 °C was obtained. Through structural characterization, it was observed that the morphotropic phase boundary and enhanced dispersion behavior lead to a lowered energy barrier, which contributes to polarization rotation and enhances piezoelectric performance. At the same time, the excellent piezoelectric performances also benefit from the highly oriented domain structure and small domain size after high-temperature poling. Furthermore, the segregation of Ba2+ causes A-site defects in the crystal lattice, accompanied with an increase in oxygen vacancies, which maintains the hardening effect of the ceramics. This study proposes a multiscale regulation strategy, providing insights for the design of high-power piezoelectric ceramics with high d33 and Qm.

Graphical abstract: Well-balanced performance achieved in PZT piezoceramics via a multiscale regulation strategy

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Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2024
26 Jul 2024
First published
09 Aug 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 5285-5294

Well-balanced performance achieved in PZT piezoceramics via a multiscale regulation strategy

W. Xiao, Z. Chen, X. Liu, Z. Zhou, Z. Fu, Y. Tang and R. Liang, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 5285 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00703D

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