Issue 23, 2024

Ultrahigh-throughput cross-flow filtration of solution-processed 2D materials enabled by porous ceramic membranes


Printed electronics is a disruptive technology in multiple applications including environmental and biological sensors, flexible displays, and wearable diagnostic devices. With superlative electronic, optical, mechanical, and chemical properties, two-dimensional (2D) materials are promising candidates for printable electronic inks. While liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) methods can produce electronic-grade 2D materials, conventional batch separation processes typically rely on centrifugation, which requires significant time and effort to remove incompletely exfoliated bulk powders, hindering the scale-up of 2D ink manufacturing. While cross-flow filtration (CFF) has emerged as a promising continuous flow separation method for solution-processed 2D nanosheets, previously demonstrated polymer CFF membranes necessitate low 2D nanosheet concentrations to avoid fouling, which ultimately limits mass throughput. Here, we demonstrate a fully flow-based, exfoliation-to-ink system for electronic-grade 2D materials using an integrated cross-flow separation and concentration system. To overcome the relatively low-throughput processing concentrations of incumbent polymer CFF membranes, we employ porous ceramic CFF membranes that are tolerant to 10-fold higher nanosheet concentrations and flow rates without compromising separation efficiency. Furthermore, we demonstrate a concentration method via cross-flow ultrafiltration, where the retentate can be directly formulated into printable inks with electronic-grade performance that meets or exceeds centrifugally produced inks. Life cycle assessment and technoeconomic analysis quantitatively confirm the advantages of ceramic versus polymer CFF membranes including reductions of 97%, 96%, 94%, and 93% for greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, fossil fuel consumption, and specific production costs, respectively. Overall, this work presents an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective solution for the fabrication, separation, and printing of electronic-grade 2D materials.

Graphical abstract: Ultrahigh-throughput cross-flow filtration of solution-processed 2D materials enabled by porous ceramic membranes

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Article type
04 Sep 2024
30 Sep 2024
First published
03 Oct 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 5960-5971

Ultrahigh-throughput cross-flow filtration of solution-processed 2D materials enabled by porous ceramic membranes

S. Diaz-Arauzo, J. R. Downing, D. Tsai, J. Trost, J. Hui, K. Donahue, N. Antonopoulos, L. E. Chaney, J. B. Dunn and M. C. Hersam, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 5960 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH01205D

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