Issue 47, 2024, Issue in Progress

Highly improved photocurrent of a flexible MoS2 photodetector via a backside Al metal mirror and its in- and outward folding states


High-performance foldable and flexible photodetectors have been extensively studied for next-generation hinged electronics and AR/VR technology. The need to maintain efficiency in the folded state restricts the development of strategies aimed at further improving the efficiency of photodetectors. For the first time, we introduce a simple and effective method for the photocurrent improvement of a molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) flexible photodetector by attaching a backside Al metal mirror and folding it in- and outward. Under light illumination, the Al film underneath the MoS2 photodetector acts as a flat reflective metal mirror and further functions as a concave mirror under the inward folded state. In this state, the proposed device with the backside Al metal mirror improved photocurrent from 4.04 μA to 8.53 μA under illumination (a λex of 405 nm with a Pinc of 0.3 mW cm−2) compared to the device on a flat polyimide (PI) substrate without the Al metal mirror. Our work provides new insights into high-performance flexible photodetectors in the inward and outward folded states, which will be beneficial for future foldable/hinged electronics and AR/VR devices.

Graphical abstract: Highly improved photocurrent of a flexible MoS2 photodetector via a backside Al metal mirror and its in- and outward folding states

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Article information

Article type
17 Jan 2024
19 Oct 2024
First published
04 Nov 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 34979-34984

Highly improved photocurrent of a flexible MoS2 photodetector via a backside Al metal mirror and its in- and outward folding states

H. Yoon and S. Hong, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 34979 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA00459K

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