Issue 42, 2024

The development of anti-freezing and anti-evaporating conductive organohydrogel for flexible strain-sensing electronic devices


The hydrogels got hot attention from the researchers due to their excellent flexibility, mechanical properties, conductivity, and response to external stimuli, however, their applications are hampered due to a lack of water retention properties and anti-freezing ability. In this study, the organohydrogel was designed from the two solvents system (DMSO and water) in which acrylamide (Amm) and acrylic acid (AA) work as monomers and Arabic gum (AG) works as biopolymers. The functional groups, surface morphology, mechanical properties, rheological properties, anti-freezing properties, and strain-sensing properties of the fabricated organohydrogel were studied. The DMGA6 organohydrogel showed good mechanical properties with fracture stress of 197 kPa, fracture strain of 593%, cyclic stability to five cycles at 400% strain without relaxation time, excellent rheological performance (elastic behavior), anti-freezing properties (−54.6 °C), the response time of 65 ms with a gauge factor of 8.86 at 500% strain. The organohydrogel can detect different human motions like bending of the finger, elbow, neck, and wrist at normal and harsh temperatures. Additionally, the organohydrogel can also detect the mood of humans, etc. The designed organohydrogels can be used in strain-sensing smart electronic devices for writing, drawing, etc. as an electronic pen.

Graphical abstract: The development of anti-freezing and anti-evaporating conductive organohydrogel for flexible strain-sensing electronic devices

Article information

Article type
24 Jun 2024
23 Sep 2024
First published
27 Sep 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 30886-30895

The development of anti-freezing and anti-evaporating conductive organohydrogel for flexible strain-sensing electronic devices

R. Ullah, L. Ara, M. T. Khan, L. A. Shah, H. M. Akil, Z. U. Khan and H. Yoo, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 30886 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA04601C

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