Issue 31, 2024

Achieving efficient and stable blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes based on four-coordinate fluoroboron emitters by simple substitution molecular engineering


Achieving both high efficiency and high stability in blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes (TADF-OLEDs) is challenging for practical displays and lighting. Here, we have successfully developed a series of sky-blue to pure-blue emitting donor–acceptor (D–A) type TADF materials featuring a four-coordinated boron with 2,2′-(pyridine-2,6-diyl)diphenolate (dppy) ligands, i.e.1–8. Synergistic engineering of substituents on the phenyl bridge as well as the electronic properties and the attached positions of heteroatom N-donors not only enables fine-tuning of the emission colors, but also modulates the nature and energies of their triplet excited states that are important for the reverse intersystem crossing (RISC). Particularly for the compound with two methyl substituents on the phenyl bridge (compound 8), RISC is significantly facilitated through the vibronic coupling of the energetically close-lying triplet charge transfer (3CT) and the triplet local excited (3LE) states, when compared to analogue 7. Efficient sky-blue to pure-blue OLEDs with electroluminescence peaks (λEL) at 460–492 nm have been obtained, in which ca. five-fold higher external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) of 18.9% have been demonstrated by 8 than that by 7. Moreover, ca. thirty times longer device operational half-lifetimes (LT50) of 9113 hours for 8 than that for 7 as well as satisfactory LT50 reaching 26 643 hours for 6 at an initial luminance of 100 cd m−2 have also been demonstrated. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent one of the best high-performance blue OLEDs based on tetracoordinated boron TADF emitters. Moreover, the design strategy presented here has provided an attractive strategy for enhancing the device performance of blue TADF-OLEDs.

Graphical abstract: Achieving efficient and stable blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes based on four-coordinate fluoroboron emitters by simple substitution molecular engineering

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Article type
Edge Article
29 Dec 2023
18 Jun 2024
First published
08 Jul 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 12606-12615

Achieving efficient and stable blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes based on four-coordinate fluoroboron emitters by simple substitution molecular engineering

P. Li, S. Lai, Z. Chen, W. K. Tang, M. Leung, M. Ng, W. Kwok, M. Chan and V. W. Yam, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 12606 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06989C

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