Issue 18, 2024

Siloxide tripodal ligands as a scaffold for stabilizing lanthanides in the +4 oxidation state


Synthetic strategies to isolate molecular complexes of lanthanides, other than cerium, in the +4 oxidation state remain elusive, with only four complexes of Tb(IV) isolated so far. Herein, we present a new approach for the stabilization of Tb(IV) using a siloxide tripodal trianionic ligand, which allows the control of unwanted ligand rearrangements, while tuning the Ln(III)/Ln(IV) redox-couple. The Ln(III) complexes, [LnIII((OSiPh2Ar)3-arene)(THF)3] (1-LnPh) and [K(toluene){LnIII((OSiPh2Ar)3-arene)(OSiPh3)}] (2-LnPh) (Ln = Ce, Tb, Pr), of the (HOSiPh2Ar)3-arene ligand were prepared. The redox properties of these complexes were compared to those of the Ln(III) analogue complexes, [LnIII((OSi(OtBu)2Ar)3-arene)(THF)] (1-LnOtBu) and [K(THF)6][LnIII((OSi(OtBu)2Ar)3-arene)(OSiPh3)] (2-LnOtBu) (Ln = Ce, Tb), of the less electron-donating siloxide trianionic ligand, (HOSi(OtBu)2Ar)3-arene. The cyclic voltammetry studies showed a cathodic shift in the oxidation potential for the cerium and terbium complexes of the more electron-donating phenyl substituted scaffold (1-LnPh) compared to those of the tert-butoxy (1-LnOtBu) ligand. Furthermore, the addition of the –OSiPh3 ligand further shifts the potential cathodically, making the Ln(IV) ion even more accessible. Notably, the Ce(IV) complexes, [CeIV((OSi(OtBu)2Ar)3-arene)(OSiPh3)] (3-CeOtBu) and [CeIV((OSiPh2Ar)3-arene)(OSiPh3)(THF)2] (3-CePh), were prepared by chemical oxidation of the Ce(III) analogues. Chemical oxidation of the Tb(III) and Pr(III) complexes (2-LnPh) was also possible, in which the Tb(IV) complex, [TbIV((OSiPh2Ar)3-arene)(OSiPh3)(MeCN)2] (3-TbPh), was isolated and crystallographically characterized, yielding the first example of a Tb(IV) supported by a polydentate ligand. The versatility and robustness of these siloxide arene-anchored platforms will allow further development in the isolation of more oxidizing Ln(IV) ions, widening the breadth of high-valent Ln chemistry.

Graphical abstract: Siloxide tripodal ligands as a scaffold for stabilizing lanthanides in the +4 oxidation state

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Article type
Edge Article
03 Jan 2024
21 Mar 2024
First published
02 Apr 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 6874-6883

Siloxide tripodal ligands as a scaffold for stabilizing lanthanides in the +4 oxidation state

M. Tricoire, F. Hsueh, M. Keener, T. Rajeshkumar, R. Scopelliti, I. Zivkovic, L. Maron and M. Mazzanti, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 6874 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC00051J

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