Issue 18, 2024

Particle-based and continuum models for confined nematics in two dimensions


We use the particle-based stochastic multi-particle collision dynamics (N-MPCD) algorithm to simulate confined nematic liquid crystals in regular two-dimensional polygons such as squares, pentagons and hexagons. We consider a range of values of the nematicities, U, and simulation domain sizes, R, that canvass nano-sized polygons to micron-sized polygons. We use closure arguments to define mappings between the N-MPCD parameters and the parameters in the continuum deterministic Landau-de Gennes framework. The averaged N-MPCD configurations agree with those predicted by Landau-de Gennes theory, at least for large polygons. We study relaxation dynamics or the non-equilibrium dynamics of confined nematics in polygons, in the N-MPCD framework, and the kinetic traps bear strong resemblance to the unstable saddle points in the Landau-de Gennes framework. Finally, we study nematic defect dynamics inside the polygons in the N-MPCD framework and the finite-size effects slow down the defects and attract them to polygon vertices. Our work is a comprehensive comparison between particle-based stochastic N-MPCD methods and deterministic/continuum Landau-de Gennes methods, and this comparison is essential for new-age multiscale theories.

Graphical abstract: Particle-based and continuum models for confined nematics in two dimensions

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Article information

Article type
12 Dec 2023
03 Apr 2024
First published
03 Apr 2024

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 3755-3770

Particle-based and continuum models for confined nematics in two dimensions

H. Híjar and A. Majumdar, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 3755 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01684F

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