Issue 45, 2024

Glycidol-modified PEI: a highly selective adsorbent for SO2 in the presence of CO2


Amine-containing CO2 adsorbents are highly sensitive to the presence of SO2 in the feed gas, even in minute amounts. It is thus necessary to remove SO2 quantitatively prior to CO2 capture. To this end, we developed a silica-supported polyethylenimine (GD-PEI/S) adsorbent containing only tertiary amines via quantitative glycidol functionalization. The novel material was characterized by infra-red (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In the presence of a gas mixture containing 5 ppm SO2 and more than a 2 × 104 higher concentration of CO2, the GD-PEI/S material adsorbed SO2 quantitatively until near saturation, with no CO2 uptake, indicating that the adsorbent exhibits 100% SO2 selectivity versus CO2, even in the presence of very high CO2/SO2 ratios. Furthermore, the SO2 uptake of the adsorbent almost doubled in the presence of humidity, possibly due to increased diffusion of SO2. Under recycling conditions, GD-PEI/S showed good reversibility in the presence of both dry and humid SO2 at low and high SO2 concentrations.

Graphical abstract: Glycidol-modified PEI: a highly selective adsorbent for SO2 in the presence of CO2

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Article information

Article type
19 Aug 2024
08 Oct 2024
First published
28 Oct 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 31526-31532

Glycidol-modified PEI: a highly selective adsorbent for SO2 in the presence of CO2

C. Kaur and A. Sayari, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 31526 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05829A

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