Issue 48, 2024

Bacterial nanocelluloses as sustainable biomaterials for advanced wound healing and dressings


Wound healing remains a significant clinical challenge, calling for innovative approaches to expedite the recovery process and improve patient outcomes. Bacterial nanocelluloses (BNCs) have emerged as a promising solution in the field of wound healing and dressings due to their unique properties such as high crystallinity, mechanical strength, high purity, porosity, high water absorption capacity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, sustainability, and flexibility. BNC-based materials can be applied for the treatment of different types of wounds, from second-degree burns to skin tears, biopsy sites, and diabetic and ischemic wounds. BNC-based dressings have exceptional mechanical properties such as flexibility and strength, which ensure proper wound coverage and protection. The renewable nature, eco-friendly production process, longer lifespan, and potential for biodegradability of BNCs make them a more sustainable alternative to conventional wound care materials. This review aims to provide a detailed overview on the application of BNC-based composites for wound healing and dressings via highlighting their ability as a carrier for delivery of different types of antimicrobial compounds as well as their direct effect on the healing process. Besides, it mentions some of the in vivo and clinical studies using BNC-based dressings and describes challenges related to the application of these materials as well as their future directions.

Graphical abstract: Bacterial nanocelluloses as sustainable biomaterials for advanced wound healing and dressings

Article information

Article type
Review Article
12 May 2024
25 Oct 2024
First published
29 Oct 2024

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 12489-12507

Bacterial nanocelluloses as sustainable biomaterials for advanced wound healing and dressings

A. Zarepour, B. Gok, Y. Budama-Kilinc, A. Khosravi, S. Iravani and A. Zarrabi, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 12489 DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01024H

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