Issue 47, 2024

Nanomaterials and methods for cancer therapy: 2D materials, biomolecules, and molecular dynamics simulations


This review explores the potential of biomolecule-based nanomaterials, i.e., protein, peptide, nucleic acid, and polysaccharide-based nanomaterials, in cancer nanomedicine. It highlights the wide range of design possibilities for creating multifunctional nanomedicines using these biomolecule-based nanomaterials. This review also analyzes the primary obstacles in cancer nanomedicine that can be resolved through the usage of nanomaterials based on biomolecules. It also examines the unique in vivo characteristics, programmability, and biological functionalities of these biomolecule-based nanomaterials. This summary outlines the most recent advancements in the development of two-dimensional semiconductor-based nanomaterials for cancer theranostic purposes. It focuses on the latest developments in molecular simulations and modelling to provide a clear understanding of important uses, techniques, and concepts of nanomaterials in drug delivery and synthesis processes. Finally, the review addresses the challenges in molecular simulations, and generating, analyzing, and developing biomolecule-based and two-dimensional semiconductor-based nanomaterials, and highlights the barriers that must be overcome to facilitate their application in clinical settings.

Graphical abstract: Nanomaterials and methods for cancer therapy: 2D materials, biomolecules, and molecular dynamics simulations

Article information

Article type
Review Article
29 Jul 2024
21 Oct 2024
First published
06 Nov 2024

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 12141-12173

Nanomaterials and methods for cancer therapy: 2D materials, biomolecules, and molecular dynamics simulations

W. M. Kedir, L. Li, Y. S. Tan, N. Bajalovic and D. K. Loke, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 12141 DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01667J

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