Investigating the electronic properties of novel titanium oxonitridophosphate, Ti5P12N24O2, through structural distortions at the titanium sites†
Introducing new elements into binary transition metal compounds can cause crystal distortion at the transition metal site. The newly synthesized high-temperature and high-pressure titanium oxonitridophosphate Ti5P12N24O2 is an example of such a compound. We analyze the structural distortion at the titanium sites by applying X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) techniques at the Ti L2,3-edge. We verify the two distinct titanium sites in the lattice, each exhibiting a specific valence state. We confirm that these are both Ti3+ and Ti4+ with a dominant presence of the Ti3+ cation. The degree of lattice distortion within the crystal is extracted and quantified by employing ligand field multiplet theory (LFMT) in a distorted octahedral crystal field (D4h). Using the calculated distortion values, we establish a correlation between the distorted parameters (Ds, Dt) and the crystallographic bond length of Ti–N at each titanium site. There is good agreement between the calculated and measured splitting energy (Δeg) of the eg orbitals and Ti4+ is identified as the more distorted titanium site, while the Ti3+ occupies the less distorted site in the polyhedral structure.