Analysis of axial resistivity during SiC crystal growth by PVT method
Nitrogen doped n-type SiC substrates are extensively employed for high-power devices thanks to its excellent physical properties. However, the growth of SiC single crystals via the physical vapor transport method still faces large challenges including the control of temperature fields, regulation of C/Si ratio at the growth front, intra- and inter-substrate resistivity uniformity improvement. Numerical simulations have been performed to study the evolution of temperature, C/Si ratio and nitrogen incorporation at the growth front as a function of crystal length. Gas exchange across the crucible and crucible etching reaction were considered, and the effects on crystal growth rate, temperature, C/Si ratio and N2 distribution at the growth front were illustrated. The computational results show unprecedented agreement with experimental observations. The factors influencing crystal resistivity has been demonstrated. The nitrogen doping efficiency in 4H-SiC crystal growth through the PVT method has been proposed through computed and measured nitrogen concentrations.