Issue 2, 2025

Multifunctional Janus particles composed of inorganic nanoparticles through emulsion confined assembly


Janus particles, consisting of two or more chemically distinct composites within a single structural system, have attracted significant attention for their solid surfactant functionality, as well as their potential applications in micro/nanomotors and functional materials. Here, we present a simple and robust method to prepare plasmonic Janus particles consisting of a polystyrene-tethered gold nanorod (AuNRs@PS) head and a poly(4-vinylpyridine) (P4VP) head through emulsion confined assembly. The balance of the Janus particles can be finely tuned by adjusting the volume ratio of the AuNRs@PS solution and P4VP solution. The result shows that the diameter ratio (r) of AuNRs@PS5k/P4VP is proportional to the volume ratio (R) of the AuNRs@PS and P4VP solutions. Furthermore, the obtained Janus particles with AuNR head have a peak absorbance of around 800 nm, which can be applied in photothermal therapy. Additionally, multifunctionality can be achieved by reducing nanoparticle (NP) precursors on a prefabricated scaffold of P4VP or co-assembling P4VP-tethered NPs with AuNRs@PS building blocks. These multifunctional Janus particles hold great potential for applications in micro/nanomotors, catalysts, and biological materials.

Graphical abstract: Multifunctional Janus particles composed of inorganic nanoparticles through emulsion confined assembly

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Article information

Article type
25 Sep 2024
04 Dec 2024
First published
05 Dec 2024

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025,27, 991-997

Multifunctional Janus particles composed of inorganic nanoparticles through emulsion confined assembly

X. Yue, F. Li, X. Fu, Y. Wang and N. Yan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025, 27, 991 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03699A

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