Issue 4, 2025

Dissociation of adsorbates via electronic energy transfer from aromatic thin films


Photofragment translational spectroscopy has been used to characterize the energetics and the cross sections for photodissociation of CH3I and CF3I adsorbed on thin films of a variety of aromatic molecules, initiated by near-UV light. Thin films (nominally 10 monolayers) of benzene, five substituted benzenes and two naphthalenes have been employed to study systematic changes in the photochemical activity. Illumination of these systems with 248 nm light is found to result in a dissociation process for the CH3I and CF3I mediated by initial absorption in the aromatic thin film, followed by electronic energy transfer (EET) to the dissociating species. The effective cross sections for dissociation are found to be substantially increased via this mechanism (from 1.8×–20×), amounts differing depending on the aromatic molecule thin film used, and is connected to the aromatic photabsorption profile and the particular excited states being accessed. Distinctive translational energy distributions for the CH3 and CF3 photofragments are found to vary systematically for the different aromatic molecule thin film used, and are related to the energy of the lowest electronic excited singlet state of the aromatic molecule. The CH3 and CF3 photofragment kinetic energy distributions found for the aromatic thin films suggest that the dissociation occurs via EET to the 3Q1 excited state of CH3I and CF3I.

Graphical abstract: Dissociation of adsorbates via electronic energy transfer from aromatic thin films

Article information

Article type
03 Oct 2024
14 Dec 2024
First published
17 Dec 2024

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025,27, 1927-1939

Dissociation of adsorbates via electronic energy transfer from aromatic thin films

E. T. Jensen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025, 27, 1927 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03810J

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