Stacking interactions in stabilizing supramolecular assembly of M[9C]2M complexes: dynamic stability with remarkable nonlinear optical features†
Continual attempts have been made to discover excellent nonlinear optical (NLO) materials. Here, we investigate the role of stacking interactions and van der Waals forces in the designed parallel stacked complexes M[9C]2M (where M = Li, Na, K, Be, Mg, and Ca) using various quantum chemical and molecular dynamics methods. The thermodynamic stability of the present complexes is also revealed by the computed interaction energy, enthalpy of formation, and Gibbs free energy of formation (ΔGf). Molecular dynamics simulations were performed at room temperature to determine the stability of the dimer formation and their complexes. Alkali metals act as a more prominent source of excess electrons at long-range interaction distances. Charge decomposition analysis (CDA) and natural bonding orbital (NBO) analyses suggest excellent charge transfer in the alkalide complexes. In this series, Li[9C]2Li exhibits an excellent hyperpolarizability response up to 2.3 × 106 a.u., while Ca[9C]2Ca performs well in alkaline-earth metal complexes. The NLO response is mostly influenced by the alkalide and earthide characteristics. Dynamic NLO features were computed at externally applied frequencies. Scattering first hyperpolarizability (βHRS) and its associated components were also measured. The effect of solvents on hyperpolarizability is also considered. The quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and NCI are employed to investigate the bonding nature and vdW forces in addition to stacking interactions. TD-DFT and vibrational studies are also performed. We aim for this research to pave the way for the innovative strategies in designing supramolecular assemblies tailored for NLO applications.