Synthesis and characterization of borohydride rare-earth complexes supported by 2-pyridinemethanamido ligands and their application in the ring-opening polymerization of cyclic esters †
The synthesis of 2-pyridinemethanamido borohydride complexes of yttrium and neodymium was achieved through the in situ deprotonation of the protio-ligand 2-pyridinemethanamine C5H3R1N-C(CH3)R2-NH(2,6-iPr2C6H3), denoted as PyAH (with PyAH1: R1 = R2 = H; PyAH2: R1 = CH3, R2 = H; PyAH3: R1 = C(CH3)N-(2,6-iPr2C6H3), R2 = CH3), in the presence of trisborohydride RE(BH4)3(THF)3 (RE = Y and Nd) as a precursor and a base. The isolation of various molecular structures, nine of which were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, was achieved and revealed to depend not only on (i) the nature of the 2-pyridinemethanamido ligand and (ii) the rare-earth element but also on (iii) the reaction conditions, notably the type of base used. These include seven mono-substituted species, eventually also comprising the cation derived from the base reagent, such as [(PyA1)Y(BH4)3]2[Mg(THF)6] (1Y), [(PyA1)Nd(BH4)3Mg(PyA1)](THF)4 (1Nd), (PyA1)Nd(BH4)2(THF)2 (1′Nd), [(PyA1)Nd(THF)(BH4)(μ-BH4)]2 (1′′Nd), [(PyA2)Nd(BH4)3]2[Mg(THF)6] (3Nd), (PyA2)Nd(BH4)2(THF)2 (3′Nd) and (PyA3)Nd(BH4)2 (4Nd), as well as two bis-substituted complexes (PyA1)2Y(BH4) (2Y) and (PyA1)2Nd(BH4) (2Nd). On the other hand, the unexpected amido/ene-amido derivative [(PyA(EA))Y(BH4)2][Li(THF)4] (5Y) (PyA(EA): R1 = C
CH2-N(2,6-iPr2C6H3), R2 = CH3), where the PyAH3 protio-ligand underwent double deprotonation, was recovered from the reaction carried out with nBuLi in the yttrium series. In some cases, the synthesis led to the isolation of borohydride 2-pyridinemethanamido-supported magnesium complexes (PyA2)Mg(BH4)(THF) and (PyA3)Mg(BH4)(THF). In parallel, the PyAH2 pro-ligand could be structurally analyzed, and an unprecedented adduct of the type [KN(SiMe3)2·PyAH1]2 was isolated and characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis. Preliminary investigations of the ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide and ε-caprolactone with some of the complexes synthesized are finally presented, demonstrating moderate to high catalytic activities.