Issue 6, 2025

Tipping the balance between twist and chair ligand conformers in multinuclear ethylzinc cyclophosphazenates


Hexaanionic cyclophosphazenate ligands [(RN)6P3N3]6− provide versatile platforms for the assembly of multinuclear metal arrays due to their multiple coordination sites and highly flexible ligand core structure. This work investigates the impact of incrementally increasing the steric demand of the ligand periphery on the coordination behavior of ethylzinc arrays. It shows that the increased congestion around the ligand sites is alleviated by progressive condensation with the elimination of diethylzinc. The condensation is accompanied by a switch in ligand conformation: the phosphazene ring of the methyl derivative adopts the chair conformer in the dimeric complex (EtZn)12[(RN)6P3N3]2, while the more sterically demanding isobutyl derivative exhibits twist conformers in both the monomeric complex (EtZn)6[(iBuN)6P3N3] and the condensed dimer (EtZn)8Zn2[(iBuN)6P3N3]2. Ethyl and propyl derivatives mark a tipping point: the dimeric complex (EtZn)12[(RN)6P3N3]2 exhibits the chair conformation and is observed in solution and within the stabilising environment of a co-crystal. However, when crystallising in pure form, it transforms with the loss of one equivalent of Et2Zn into the collapsed dimer (EtZn)10Zn[(RN)6P3N3]2 which features the twist conformer.

Graphical abstract: Tipping the balance between twist and chair ligand conformers in multinuclear ethylzinc cyclophosphazenates

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Article type
28 Oct 2024
06 Dec 2024
First published
27 Dec 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2025,54, 2628-2633

Tipping the balance between twist and chair ligand conformers in multinuclear ethylzinc cyclophosphazenates

R. Boomishankar, P. I. Richards and A. Steiner, Dalton Trans., 2025, 54, 2628 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT03004D

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