Issue 6, 2025

Shape-responsive host–guest chemistry: metal-free tetracationic porphyrin nonplanarity promoted by clay mineral interactions assessed by theoretical simulations


Distortions in the porphyrin core from planarity can trigger a unique structure–property relationship, imparting its basicity, chemical stability, redox potential, and excited-state energetics, among other properties. The colour change promoted by such distortion is signed by red shifts in its electronic absorption spectra. The adsorption of guest meso-substituted free-base porphyrin species onto inorganic hosts, such as clay minerals (layered aluminium or magnesium silicates), is known to further promote colour changes. However, the origin of these changes remains a subject of debate without a clear consensus. In this work, an extensive theoretical study was conducted using density functional theory (DFT) to model the interactions between tetracationic porphyrins, specifically meso-substituted groups N-methyl-4-pyridyl (p-TMPyP) and N-methyl-3-pyridyl (m-TMPyP), and montmorillonite (MMT) with the ideal formula [(Al1.67Mg0.33)Si4O10(OH)2]−0.33. The following conditions were evaluated: (i) adsorption or intercalation of p-TMPyP into MMT host structure, (ii) intercalation of m-TMPyP into MMT, and (iii) the influence of water on the intercalation process. The electrostatic interactions between the porphyrins and the MMT siloxane surface induced conformational changes in p-TMPyP, characterized by rotation of the substituent groups at the macrocycle periphery and a twist of the porphyrin plane. The nonplanarity of the intercalated p-TMPyP guest produced robust Brønsted basic sites capable of abstracting H+ ions from intercalated water molecules, resulting in the formation of a dication. The macrocycle distortion was found to decrease π-conjugation, thereby enhancing the localisation of the lone pair on the imine nitrogen atom. On the other hand, m-TMPyP exhibited slight core macrocycle deformations and minor changes in the dihedral angles of its meso-substituent groups compared to its isomer, with no observed protonation reaction upon intercalation. These findings highlight the clay microenvironment as a promising strategy for inducing conformational alterations in porphyrins, promoting nonplanarity, and exemplifying a shape-responsive system within the framework of guest–host chemistry.

Graphical abstract: Shape-responsive host–guest chemistry: metal-free tetracationic porphyrin nonplanarity promoted by clay mineral interactions assessed by theoretical simulations

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Article information

Article type
11 Dec 2024
15 Dec 2024
First published
18 Dec 2024

Dalton Trans., 2025,54, 2271-2282

Shape-responsive host–guest chemistry: metal-free tetracationic porphyrin nonplanarity promoted by clay mineral interactions assessed by theoretical simulations

E. D. Suarez, F. C. D. A. Lima, A. V. Gil Rebaza, V. R. L. Constantino and H. M. Petrilli, Dalton Trans., 2025, 54, 2271 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT03437F

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