Issue 4, 2025

Crystal phase and band edge modulation of MA- and Br-free CsFA-based perovskites for efficient inverted solar cells and minimodules


The non-radiative voltage loss associated with traps (Vnon-radloss) is the crucial factor limiting the performance of inverted perovskite solar cells (PSCs). In this study, we manipulate the crystal growth and spectral response of MA-/Br-free CsFA-based perovskites to minimize the Vnon-radloss by rationally introducing methyl(methylsulfinyl)methyl sulfide (MMS) into the precursor. MMS effectively inhibits the oxidation of halides and reduces the formation of δ-phase perovskites during phase-transformation, resulting in the formation of a high-quality perovskite film with fewer defects and reduced non-radiative recombination. Notably, a 5 nm red-shift in the band edge of the perovskite is achieved, providing an additional integrated current density of 0.24 mA cm−2. Consequently, a certified efficiency of 26.01% from the reverse scan, along with a quasi-steady-state output efficiency of 25.30%, is obtained for the 0.09-cm2 inverted PSC, marking the highest values for inverted PSCs based on MA-/Br-free CsFA double-cation perovskites to date. The champion device exhibits a minimal Vnon-radloss of 67 mV. The present strategy is also extended to a minimodule with an active area of 12.96 cm2 by delivering an efficiency of 22.67% from the reverse scan. Moreover, the target devices demonstrate great thermal and operational stability. This study offers a versatile Lewis base for regulating the crystal growth and spectral response of perovskite films and emphasizes the significance of minimizing the Vnon-radloss for high-performance inverted PSCs.

Graphical abstract: Crystal phase and band edge modulation of MA- and Br-free CsFA-based perovskites for efficient inverted solar cells and minimodules

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Article information

Article type
10 Dec 2024
19 Dec 2024
First published
24 Dec 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2025,18, 1732-1744

Crystal phase and band edge modulation of MA- and Br-free CsFA-based perovskites for efficient inverted solar cells and minimodules

J. Yang, Q. Wang, W. Hui, X. Chen, Y. Yao, W. Tang, W. Qiu, X. Xu, L. Song, Y. Wu and Q. Peng, Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, 18, 1732 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE05860G

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