Nutrient-rich puffed snacks developed using blended flours and lignin Pickering emulsions containing curcumin and vitamin D3


This study explores the use of blended flours and fortification with health-promoting compounds to improve the nutritional profile of extruded puffed snacks (EPS). Lignin particles extracted from Ayurvedic spent materials were used to create lignin Pickering emulsions (LPEs) for incorporating the lipophilic compounds, curcumin and vitamin D3. A blended flour composed of pearl millet, spent coconut, and corn grits was used to replace 80% of the traditionally used corn grits. Fortification was achieved by incorporating LPE containing curcumin and vitamin D3. Protein content, dietary fiber, texture profiles, and structural integrity of the snacks were evaluated. Compared to a control made solely from corn grits, the EPS with blended flour showed higher protein (13.8%) and dietary fiber (19.2%) contents. However, the increase in protein and fiber content resulted in lower expansion ratios for EPS produced with the blended flour, with or without LPE. The EPS containing LPE had similar hardness, microstructure, fracturability, chewiness, and gumminess as those without LPE. Sensory analysis scores confirmed the acceptability of both EPS and EPS containing LPE. Importantly, the inclusion of LPE enhanced the stability of curcumin (69.0%) and vitamin D3 (65.7%), highlighting the protective encapsulation effect of lignin particles. This study underscores the potential of lignin-based Pickering emulsions loaded with lipophilic compounds, combined with blended flours, for producing nutrient-rich and health-promoting ready-to-eat snacks through extrusion.

Graphical abstract: Nutrient-rich puffed snacks developed using blended flours and lignin Pickering emulsions containing curcumin and vitamin D3

Article information

Article type
17 Dec 2024
10 Feb 2025
First published
11 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Sustainable Food Technol., 2025, Advance Article

Nutrient-rich puffed snacks developed using blended flours and lignin Pickering emulsions containing curcumin and vitamin D3

B. Abraham, H. Shakeela, P. P. Ajayan, C. Brennan, N. Mantri, B. Adhikari and N. P., Sustainable Food Technol., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4FB00378K

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