A Gut-Brain axis on-a-chip platform for drug testing challenged with donepezil


Current drug development pipelines are time-consuming and prone to a significant percentage of failure, partially due to the limited availability of advanced human preclinical models able to better replicate the in vivo complexity of our body. To contribute to an advancement in this field, we developed an in vitro multi-organ-on-a-chip system, that we named PEGASO platform, that enables the dynamic culturing of human cell-based models relevant for drug testing. The PEGASO platform is comprised of five independent connected units, which are based on a previously developed millifluidic organ-on-a-chip device (MINERVA 2.0), hosting human primary cells and iPSC-derived cells recapitulating key biological features of gut, immune, liver, blood-brain-barrier and brain that were fluidically connected and challenged to model the physiological passage of donepezil, a drug prescribed for Alzheimer’s disease. The nutrient medium flow rate of the connected units was tuned to obtain suitable oxygenation and shear stress values for the cells cultured in dynamic condition. A computational model was at first developed to simulate donepezil transport within the platform and to assess the drug amount reaching the last organ-on-a-chip. Then, we demonstrated that after 24 hours of donepezil administration, the drug was actually transported though the cell-based models of the platform which in turn resulted viable and functional. Donepezil efficacy was confirmed by the decreased acetylcholinesterase activity level at brain model level and by the increased expression of a donepezil-relevant multi-drug transporter (p-gp). Overall, the PEGASO platform is an innovative in vitro tool for drug screening and personalized medicine applications which holds the potential to be translated to preclinical research and improve new drug development pipeline.

Article information

Article type
27 Mar 2024
14 Jan 2025
First published
12 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Lab Chip, 2025, Accepted Manuscript

A Gut-Brain axis on-a-chip platform for drug testing challenged with donepezil

F. Fanizza, S. Perottoni, L. Boeri, F. donnaloja, F. negro, F. pugli, G. Forloni, C. Giordano and D. Albani, Lab Chip, 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00273C

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