Smartphones as a platform for molecular analysis: concepts, methods, devices and future potential


Over the past 15 years, smartphones have had a transformative effect on everyday life. These devices also have the potential to transform molecular analysis over the next 15 years. The cameras of a smartphone, and its many additional onboard features, support optical detection and other aspects of engineering an analytical device. This article reviews the development of smartphones as platforms for portable chemical and biological analysis. It is equal parts conceptual overview, technical tutorial, critical summary of the state of the art, and outlook on how to advance smartphones as a tool for analysis. It further discusses the motivations for adopting smartphones as a portable platform, summarizes their enabling features and relevant optical detection methods, then highlights complementary technologies and materials such as 3D printing, microfluidics, optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanoparticles. The broad scope of research and key advances from the past 7 years are reviewed as a prelude to a perspective on the challenges and opportunities for translating smartphone-based lab-on-a-chip devices from prototypes to authentic applications in health, food and water safety, environmental monitoring, and beyond. The convergence of smartphones with smart assays and smart apps powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence holds immense promise for realizing a future for molecular analysis that is powerful, versatile, democratized, and no longer just the stuff of science fiction.

Graphical abstract: Smartphones as a platform for molecular analysis: concepts, methods, devices and future potential

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Article type
Critical Review
18 Nov 2024
27 Jan 2025
First published
07 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Lab Chip, 2025, Advance Article

Smartphones as a platform for molecular analysis: concepts, methods, devices and future potential

D. V. Baker, J. Bernal-Escalante, C. Traaseth, Y. Wang, M. V. Tran, S. Keenan and W. R. Algar, Lab Chip, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00966E

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