Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of polysulfamides


Polysulfamides are a new class of polymers that exhibit favorable chemical and physical properties, making them a sustainable alternative to commodity polymers like polyurea. To advance the fundamental understanding of this new class of polymers, Wu et al. [Z. Wu, J. W. Wu, Q. Michaudel and A. Jayaraman, Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 5033–5049]conducted experiments and coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to connect the polysulfamide backbone design to the assembled structure of polysulfamides due to hydrogen bonding between sulfamides. Their CG MD simulations qualitatively reproduced experimentally observed trends in crystallinity for analogous variations in polysulfamide backbone designs. To bring chemical specificity to this generic CG model of Wu et al. and to facilitate quantitative agreement with experiments in the future, in this work, we modify this older CG model of Wu et al. using structural information from atomistic simulations. Atomistic angle and dihedral distributions involving the sulfamide functional groups are used to modify the donor and acceptor bead positions in the new CG model. Using MD simulations with this new atomistically informed CG model, we confirm that we obtained the structural trends with varying polysulfamide backbone length, bulkiness, and non-uniformity of the segments in repeat units as seen in the previous work by Wu et al. These key structural trends are as follows: (a) shorter contour lengths of segments between sulfamide groups enhance H-bonding between sulfamides, (b) increased bulkiness in the segment hinders sulfamide–sulfamide H-bonding and reduces orientational order among chains in the assembled structure, and (c) non-uniformity in the segments along the backbone does not affect orientational order in the assembled structure. While the trends qualitatively matched between the two models, we observe quantitatively higher positional order and lower orientational order among the assembled chains in the new CG model as compared to the older CG model. This difference in local chain packing arises from a change in the donor–acceptor H-bonding pattern between the two models. In this work, we also use the new CG model to study mixing and demixing in two types of mixtures of polysulfamides: one mixture has chains with varying segment lengths between sulfamide groups and another mixture has chains with different degrees of bulkiness in the backbone. We find that increasing dissimilarity (bulkiness or length) between the two types of chains promotes demixing despite the presence of sulfamide–sulfamide H-bonding interactions.

Graphical abstract: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of polysulfamides

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06 Dec 2024
02 Feb 2025
First published
20 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Appl. Polym., 2025, Advance Article

Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of polysulfamides

J. Shah and A. Jayaraman, RSC Appl. Polym., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4LP00362D

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