Issue 3, 2025

Synthesis, crystal growth, structure and photophysical properties of decafluoroanthracene and its co-crystals with polycyclic arenes


A series of 1 : 1 co-crystals of decafluoroanthracene with naphthalene, anthracene, tetracene, pyrene, perylene, and triphenylene were grown and characterised using single-crystal X-ray diffraction at low and ambient temperature, (polarisation-dependent) fluorescence spectroscopy, and quantum mechanical computations. All of the molecular co-crystal structures are built from infinite stacks of alternating arene and decafluoroanthracene molecules representing the arene–perfluoroarene supramolecular synthon. Intermolecular interactions and packing features are discussed in detail. As a by-product, the heterodimer of tetracene and decafluoroanthracene was obtained after exposure to room light or under UV-irradiation of a solution of the monomers, and was structurally characterised. The fluorescence properties of the co-crystals of decafluoroanthracene with naphthalene, tetracene, pyrene, perylene, and triphenylene are similar to those of one of their components with only a small bathochromic or hypsochromic shift. This shows that the interaction between the components is weak and fits well into the picture of an arene–perfluoroarene interaction. An exception is 1 : 1 anthracene : decafluoroanthracene, which shows a bathochromic shift of both excitation and especially emission spectra of the co-crystal compared to those of its components, which indicates weak charge transfer coupling in the ground state followed by an exciplex-like emission.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, crystal growth, structure and photophysical properties of decafluoroanthracene and its co-crystals with polycyclic arenes

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
28 Sep 2024
20 Nov 2024
First published
21 Nov 2024

Org. Chem. Front., 2025,12, 736-753

Synthesis, crystal growth, structure and photophysical properties of decafluoroanthracene and its co-crystals with polycyclic arenes

A. Friedrich, L. Schraut-May, F. Rauch, P. Durand, J. Krebs, P. N. Ruth, S. Hammer, R. Bertermann, M. Finze, S. J. Clark, J. Pflaum, N. Leclerc and T. B. Marder, Org. Chem. Front., 2025, 12, 736 DOI: 10.1039/D4QO01825G

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