Issue 1, 2025

Reactive molecular dynamics simulations investigating ROS-mediated HIV damage from outer gp120 protein to internal capsid protein


Molecular dynamics (MD) with the ReaxFF force field is used to study the structural damage to HIV capsid protein and gp120 protein mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Our results show that with an increase in ROS concentration, the structures of the HIV capsid protein and gp120 protein are more severely damaged, including dehydrogenation, increase in oxygen-containing groups, helix shortening or destruction, and peptide bond breaking. In particular, we noticed that extraction of H atoms from N atoms by ROS was significantly higher than that from C atoms. There was no significant difference in the effect of ROS on dehydrogenation and shortening or breaking of the helices. In contrast, the impact of O on the increase in oxygen-containing groups and the fracture of peptide bonds in the gp120 protein is more significant than that of O3, and the effect of O3 is greater than that of ˙OH. In addition, the degree of structural damage of the gp120 protein was greater than that of the capsid protein. These detailed findings deepen our understanding of the role of ROS in regulating the structure and function of the HIV capsid protein and gp120 protein and provide valuable insights for plasma therapy for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Graphical abstract: Reactive molecular dynamics simulations investigating ROS-mediated HIV damage from outer gp120 protein to internal capsid protein

Article information

Article type
30 Sep 2024
08 Dec 2024
First published
03 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2025,15, 331-336

Reactive molecular dynamics simulations investigating ROS-mediated HIV damage from outer gp120 protein to internal capsid protein

C. Pan, Q. Chen, D. Liu, M. Ding and L. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2025, 15, 331 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA07023B

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