Issue 7, 2025

Introducing halogen-bonded gates into zeolitic frameworks for efficient benzene/cyclohexene/cyclohexane separation


The separation of C6 cyclic hydrocarbons (benzene, cyclohexene, and cyclohexane) is one of the most challenging chemical processes in the petrochemical industry. Herein, we design and synthesize a new SOD-topology metal azolate framework (MAF) with aperture gating behaviour controlled by C–Br⋯N halogen bonds, which exhibits distinct temperature- and guest-dependent adsorption behaviours for benzene/cyclohexene/cyclohexane. More importantly, the MAF enables the efficient purification of benzene from its binary and ternary mixtures (selectivity up to 113 ± 2; purity up to 98% +), which is the highest record for benzene/cyclohexane/cyclohexene separation to date. Single-crystal diffraction analyses and computational simulations revealed that halogen bonds play a critical role in the gating and diffusion process, which is the first example of halogen-bonding controlled gating for highly effective adsorptive separation.

Graphical abstract: Introducing halogen-bonded gates into zeolitic frameworks for efficient benzene/cyclohexene/cyclohexane separation

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
30 Sep 2024
14 Jan 2025
First published
15 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 3307-3312

Introducing halogen-bonded gates into zeolitic frameworks for efficient benzene/cyclohexene/cyclohexane separation

Z. Liang, F. Dong, L. Ye, K. Zheng, D. Hu, X. Feng, W. Su, Z. Wang, M. Zhou, Z. Fang, D. Zhou, J. Zhang and X. Chen, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 3307 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC06624C

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