Investigation of MgO additives on microstructure and properties of thin LLZO electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries
To realize high-energy density lithium lanthanum zirconate (LLZO)-based solid-state batteries (SSB), LLZO electrolytes should be fabricated with low thickness and high mechanical strength. An effective strategy for strengthening ceramic materials is to use additives. Here, we employed MgO nanopowders and fibers as additives for the thin LLZO electrolyte in order to improve the mechanical strength. The microstructure, mechanical properties, and electrochemical properties are characterized to investigate the effects of adding MgO and sintering time. The MgO remains at grain boundaries after sintering, making the microstructure of LLZO fine and uniform. The mechanical strength of the MgO-added LLZO was enhanced by more than 60 % while maintaining high ionic conductivity (1x10-4 S/cm) at room temperature. Li symmetric cells using the MgO fiber-LLZO and MgO powder-LLZO exhibit 2 and 3 times higher critical current density (CCD) than those of pure LLZO, and a solid-state full cell exhibits stable cycling performance. These results demonstrate that the use of MgO nanopowder or fiber as an additive for thin LLZO is beneficial for high-current density cycling, by improving mechanical properties and microstructure.