Issue 3, 2010

Multiple excitation nano-spot generation and confocal detection for far-field microscopy


An imaging technique is developed for the controlled generation of multiple excitation nano-spots for far-field microscopy. The system point spread function (PSF) is obtained by interfering two counter-propagating extended depth-of-focus PSF (DoF-PSF), resulting in highly localized multiple excitation spots along the optical axis. The technique permits (1) simultaneous excitation of multiple planes in the specimen; (2) control of the number of spots by confocal detection; and (3) overcoming the point-by-point based excitation. Fluorescence detection from the excitation spots can be efficiently achieved by Z-scanning the detector/pinhole assembly. The technique complements most of the bioimaging techniques and may find potential application in high resolution fluorescence microscopy and nanoscale imaging.

Graphical abstract: Multiple excitation nano-spot generation and confocal detection for far-field microscopy

Article information

Article type
11 Nov 2009
15 Jan 2010
First published
09 Feb 2010

Nanoscale, 2010,2, 381-384

Multiple excitation nano-spot generation and confocal detection for far-field microscopy

P. P. Mondal, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 381 DOI: 10.1039/B9NR00348G

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