Issue 1, 2017

Reflective perovskite solar cells for efficient tandem applications


Tandem solar cells combining a wide bandgap, efficient perovskite absorber with a low bandgap photovoltaic module, such as a c-Si cell, can potentially achieve a high theoretical efficiency of over 30%. Instead of using the conventional parallel stacking tandem, we report here a reflective tandem configuration, with the perovskite solar cell acting as the spectral filter that absorbs high energy photons, while sub-bandgap photons are reflected to a Si sub-cell using a highly reflective back metal electrode. The perovskite solar cell exhibits a high reflectance of over 60% in the near infrared spectral region, which allows the subsequent silicon cell to absorb photons in this region, resulting in a high current density of 13.03 mA cm−2. In such a tandem configuration, we achieved a combined efficiency of 23.1% using a four-terminal measurement. This result demonstrates the promise of employing perovskite solar cells in a reflective tandem for a high efficiency solar energy conversion system, with an efficiency of up to 30%.

Graphical abstract: Reflective perovskite solar cells for efficient tandem applications

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Oct 2016
22 Nov 2016
First published
22 Nov 2016

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017,5, 134-139

Reflective perovskite solar cells for efficient tandem applications

Y. Li, H. Hu, B. Chen, T. Salim, J. Zhang, J. Ding, N. Yuan and Y. M. Lam, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 134 DOI: 10.1039/C6TC04510C

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