Issue 1, 2019

Substrate selectivity and its mechanistic insight of the photo-responsive non-nucleoside triphosphate for myosin and kinesin


Linear motor proteins including kinesin and myosin are promising biomaterials for developing nano-devices. Photoswitchable substrates of these biomotors can be used to optically regulate the motility of their associated cytoskeletal filaments in in vitro systems. Here, we describe the discovery of the myosin selective azobenzene-tethered triphosphate. It enables the specific photocontrol over myosin in a reversible mode with the composite motility assay composed of both kinesin and myosin. The mechanistic insight into this myosin selectivity is also explained with the docking simulation study.

Graphical abstract: Substrate selectivity and its mechanistic insight of the photo-responsive non-nucleoside triphosphate for myosin and kinesin

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Article information

Article type
01 Nov 2018
03 Dec 2018
First published
04 Dec 2018

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 53-65

Substrate selectivity and its mechanistic insight of the photo-responsive non-nucleoside triphosphate for myosin and kinesin

Md. J. Islam, K. Matsuo, H. M. Menezes, M. Takahashi, H. Nakagawa, A. Kakugo, K. Sada and N. Tamaoki, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 53 DOI: 10.1039/C8OB02714E

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