Multiferroicity in two-dimensional III-V Indium Pnictide optoelectronic materials
Three-dimensional (3D) III-V semiconductors including indium pnictides are widely used in optoelectronic devices, such as light-emitting diodes, laser diodes and photodetectors, in their bulk or thin-film geometries. On the other hand, two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals such as graphene, phosphorene, and transition metal dichalcogenides are promising candidates for next generation optoelectronic technologies. Here, we designed a type of III-V indium pnictide 2D materials that can be exfoliated and rebuilt from the bulk wurtzite structures, which show benign stability and intriguing physical properties, including in-plane ferroelectricity/antiferroelectricity with low transition barriers (0.01~0.31 eV/f.u.), direct/quasi-direct band gaps (HSE+SOC: 1.498-2.852 eV), ferroelasticity (2.86%-11.90% elastic deformation), switchable hidden spin polarization and spin splitting (31 meV), as well as controllable in-plane negative Poisson’s ratio (~ -0.51). Our study suggests a new class of optoelectronic materials that combines the advantages of the well-studied 3D III-V semiconductors and 2D atomic crystals, and offers a platform to study the interplay of optoelectronic properties with multiferroic, spintronic, and mechanical properties for the development of miniaturized multifunctional optoelectronic devices.