The Advances on Next Generation Electrochromic Supercapacitors: Emerging Applications, Challenges and Future Perspectives
With the vast modernization and civilization, global energy demand increases rapidly. The excessive use of fossil fuels is one of the main environmental pollution concerns, causing global warming leads researchers to work on sustainable and renewable resources. The research focuses on electrochromic energy storage devices keeping in mind the widespread dependence of modern societies on intelligent electronic gadgets, integration of smart windows, displays, etc. Electrochromism reverses certain materials' optical properties or colour through redox reactions under external potential. Integration of multi-functionality in a single gadget can have meaningful use recently. It can simultaneously scavenge, store energy, and visually indicate the storage level through its colour changes. This review article has discussed the basic principle and detailed study on the recent development of different materials for electrochromic supercapacitor devices. We have highlighted the thoughts on developing the next-generation, integrated multifunctional energy storage devices for future perspectives.