Issue 1, 2025

Highly dispersed copper-based nanocomposite synthesis via spray pyrolysis: towards waste-to-hydrogen production through the water-gas shift reaction


In this study, we synthesized a Cu–ZrCeO2 catalyst using spray pyrolysis, which exhibited high activity, stability, and reusability at high temperatures. The catalyst was applied to a high-temperature water–gas shift reaction under practical conditions using waste-derived synthesis gas. Various reducible supports, including CeO2, ZrO2, TiO2, ZrCeO2, and TiCeO2 were evaluated. Among these, the Cu–ZrCeO2 (SPCZC) catalyst exhibited the highest activity and stability, attributed to its abundant oxygen defects, high Cu dispersion, and significant oxygen storage capacity. The SPCZC catalyst achieved 76% CO conversion and 100% CO2 selectivity at 400 °C. It also maintained stable catalytic performance for 50 h, showing resistance to Cu sintering and preservation of the yolk–shell structure, indicating high reusability. A comprehensive deactivation study was conducted on the catalysts. Rapid Cu sintering was observed when CeO2 was used as the sole support, leading to the breakdown of the yolk–shell structure. Catalysts supported on ZrO2, TiO2, and TiCeO2 also experienced Cu sintering and carbon deposition, leading to deactivation.

Graphical abstract: Highly dispersed copper-based nanocomposite synthesis via spray pyrolysis: towards waste-to-hydrogen production through the water-gas shift reaction

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Article information

Article type
22 Sep 2024
22 Nov 2024
First published
02 Dec 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025,13, 704-720

Highly dispersed copper-based nanocomposite synthesis via spray pyrolysis: towards waste-to-hydrogen production through the water-gas shift reaction

I. Jeon, J. S. Lee, K. W. Baek, C. Kim, J. Gong, W. Jang, J. S. Cho and J. Shim, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, 13, 704 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06757F

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