d and
aLaboratory for Astrophysics, Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
bInstitut für Optik und Atomare Physik, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36, Berlin 10623, Germany
cLeiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
dInstitute for Molecules and Materials, FELIX Laboratory, Radboud University, Toernooiveld 7, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
eLaboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA. E-mail:
fDepartment of Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA
gInstitute for Modeling Plasma, Atmospheres and Cosmic Dust (IMPACT), NASA/SSERVI, Boulder, CO 80309, USA
First published on 15th October 2024
Infrared emission features are observed towards diverse astronomical objects in the interstellar medium (ISM). Generally, the consensus is that these IR features originate from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and are hence named aromatic infrared bands (AIBs). More recently, it has been suggested that nitrogen substituted PAHs (PANHs) contribute to the AIBs as well and it has even been shown that nitrogen inclusion in PAHs can improve the match with the AIBs, specifically around the 6.2 μm feature. In order to determine which specific molecules or functional groups are at the origin of the AIBs, IR spectra of various PA(N)Hs are experimentally and computationally studied. In this work we expand on the spectroscopic investigation of PANHs by presenting the gas-phase mid-IR spectra of 1,5,9-triazacoronene˙+ (TAC˙+, m/z 303), a threefold nitrogenated congener of coronene˙+, its protonated derivative TACH+ (m/z 304) and the product that forms when water adds to dehydrogenated TAC˙+[TAC–H + H2O]+ (m/z 320). We analyze the mid-IR spectra by comparing them with vibrational modes calculated at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level a theory and we present a possible geometry for [TAC–H + H2O]+. The TAC˙+ mid-IR spectrum is compared to that of coronene˙+ and is demonstrated to be remarkably similar. We put TAC˙+ and TACH+ into astronomical context by comparing their recorded mid-IR spectra to observed ISM spectra of four spectral classes. From this we conclude that TAC˙+ and TACH+ could both contribute to the AIBs, with TACH+ being a more likely contributor than TAC˙+.
The band positions and shapes of the AIBs are fairly consistent among the various observed astronomical objects, although some variations exist. Based on these variations, the mid-IR spectra are grouped into class A through D, each of which represents an specific spectral type.6–8 Class A, the most commonly observed of the four, is characterized by features which peak at 6.22, 7.6 and 8.6 μm. The 7.6 μm feature also contains a shoulder at 7.8 μm. A shift of these three class A features towards longer wavelengths results in class B, where the peaks are found at 6.24–6.28, 7.8–8.0 and >8.62 μm. Generally, the feature around 6.2 μm is broader for class B, compared to A. Class C contains a peak around 6.3 μm and a broad feature ranging from 7.5 to 9.3 μm with the peak at 8.22 μm. Finally, class D is characterized by a feature at 6.24 μm, and a broad feature ranging from 7.0 to 9.0 μm, peaking around 7.7 μm. Additionally, class D can contain a feature at 6.9 μm. Numerous studies have demonstrated the very strong resemblance between the mid-IR emission of (ionic) homocyclic PAHs and astronomical objects.9–25 However, the experimental and computed IR emission features of cationic homocyclic PAHs around 6.2 μm are consistently redshifted with respect to astronomical observations.6,26
Substitution of a carbon atom in the structure of a PAH cation by a nitrogen, forming a so-called polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycle (PANH) cation, can introduce a spectral shift in the 6.2 μm band.26,27 Based on computational studies, it has been shown that this shift depends strongly on the position of the substituted carbon atom in the PAH structure and size and symmetry of the PAH. Substitution of an endoskeletal carbon atom in the PAH structure (commonly referred to as endo-PANH) results in a drastic change of the mid-IR emission spectrum with respect to its pure PAH congener, with most notably a blue-shift in the 6.2 μm band, resulting in a better agreement with observational data.26–28 Cationic endo-PANHs have, contrary to their cationic PAH congeners, a closed-shell electronic configuration. Recently, Ricca et al.27 estimated an upper limit for the fraction of cationic endo-PANH emission contributing to the astronomically observed 6.2 μm band to be about 12%, by assuming all of the 11.0 μm emission is due to singly ionized endo-PANHs and combining their results with the reported values for NGC 7023.29 Exoskeletal PANHs (exo-PANHs), where a peripheral CH-group has been substituted by a nitrogen, do not show a significant change in the mid-IR range compared to their pure, cationic PAH analogue.26,27,30 This makes exo-PANH cations challenging to distinguish from their PAH counterpart using IR spectra alone. Therefore, exo-PANHs are potential carriers of the observed mid-IR features as well and potentially make up a large fraction of the PAH population.
Although nitrogen-bearing PAHs have been shown to be astronomically relevant,26,27,31 the number of experimental works studying (spectral) characteristics of (ionic) PANHs is limited. Moreover, the works that do report on nitrogen-bearing PAHs are often limited to species containing only a single nitrogen in the aromatic structure. For example, Ricca et al.27 studied PAHs up to 103 carbon atoms while mainly considering species containing a single nitrogen atom. Based on the interstellar abundances of elements, PAHs of astronomically relevant sizes could contain multiple nitrogen atoms as well, and thus spectroscopic studies of such species are needed.
The proton affinity (PA) of especially exo-PANHs is greatly enhanced relative to the analogous homocyclic PAHs. For example, the PA of naphthalene is determined to be 802.9 kJ mol−1,32 while its nitrogenated congeners quinoline and isoquinoline have a PA of 953.2 and 951.7 kJ mol−1,32 respectively. An exposed N-atom is a strong nucleophile that easily binds a proton, which are abundantly present in HII regions, resulting in the formation of very stable, closed-shell, protonated PANH species. Experimental and computational works have shown that protonated PANHs are potential carriers of the 6.2 μm band.27,33 Ricca et al.27 calculated the 6.2 μm band position of protonated PANHs to span the 6.17 to 6.45 μm range, depending on the size and symmetry of the protonated PANH. Singly dehydrogenated exo-PANH cations have been shown to be highly reactive. In a previous study by our group, we showed that after losing a hydrogen atom from the radical cation of 1,5,9-triazacoronene (TAC˙+, m/z 303, see Fig. 1 for the molecular structure), a species is formed that reacts very efficiently with background water vapor in the trap to form a very stable product ion.34 It is important to spectroscopically characterize exo-PANH radical cations, protonated exo-PANHs and even the reaction products formed in the reaction of exo-PANHs and water to determine their potential contribution to the interstellar mid-IR emission features.
In this work, we study the IR spectra of TAC˙+, protonated TAC (TACH+, m/z 304) and the product that forms when water adds to dehydrogenated TAC˙+[TAC–H + H2O]+ (m/z 320), using a combination of infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy at the Free Electron Laser for Infrared eXperiments (FELIX) and quantum chemical calculations. TAC is a threefold nitrogenated congener of coronene and its three available nitrogen sites allow for facile TACH+ formation and the formation of [TAC–H + H2O]+ in the presence of H2O. We first present the dissociation mass spectra that arise upon resonantly exciting TAC˙+, TACH+ and [TAC–H + H2O]+ with IR radiation from FELIX. IR spectra are subsequently constructed from the frequency dependent dissociation mass spectra. The experimental spectra are analyzed using density functional theory (DFT) simulated spectra to characterize the vibrational normal modes. Next, we compare the experimental spectrum of TAC˙+ to the coronene cation (Cor˙+) to investigate the effect on the IR characteristics of triple nitrogen substitution in Cor˙+. Lastly, we put the ramification of nitrogen inclusion on the IR spectra in astrophysical context by comparing the TAC˙+ and TACH+ IRMPD spectra to observed astronomical mid-IR spectra of each spectral type class.
TAC was synthesized following the procedure described by Tan et al.36 and a detailed description is given in a previous publication.34 A glass direct insertion probe (DIP) was coated with the solid sample and subsequently introduced into an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source (Bruker APCI II) which was connected to the mass spectrometer. The DIP is then gently heated to desorb the sample material. A flow of N2 carries the desorbed molecules into a corona discharge region, where TAC˙+, TACH+ and [TAC–H + H2O]+ are produced. These are subsequently guided through a spray shield into a glass capillary leading to the ion trap. The ions are mass-isolated using the mass spectrometer's tandem mass spectrometry features.
The trapped and mass isolated ions are exposed to five macropulses of mid-infrared (mid-IR) light originating from the free electron laser that operates at a 10 Hz repetition rate. Each macropulse has an average duration of 6 μs with a maximum pulse energy of 75 mJ and a spectral full width at half maximum (FWHM) of about 5–10 cm−1. The IR frequency is tuned from 730 to 1780 cm−1 in steps of 5 cm−1 and at each wavelength five mass spectra are averaged. The precursor ion absorbs multiple IR photons when the laser is tuned to a frequency that is resonant with a vibrational transition, which eventually leads to dissociation of the precursor ion. The resulting fragment ion signals and the remaining precursor ion signal are integrated and an IRMPD dissociation yield is calculated. The wavelength-dependent IRMPD yield is linearly corrected for free electron laser pulse energy, resulting in the IRMPD spectrum of our studied species.
Six broad features at 803, 932, 1145, 1189, 1352 and 1553 cm−1 can be distinguished from the IRMPD spectrum. The peak at 1352 cm−1 is the broadest and also the most intense feature. According to our calculations (see Table 1 for computed modes), this most intense feature originates mainly from two modes which primarily consist of in-plane CH bending combined with some CC and CN stretching character at 1333 and 1346 cm−1. The computed IR spectrum shows noticeable involvement of at least one of the nitrogen atoms in almost all vibrational modes, of which the most intense are the modes at 781 and 1542 cm−1. This is in contrast with 3-azafluoranthene, where the nitrogen atom was shown to only be involved in a few specific modes.30
Experimental | Calculatedab | ||
Pos. (cm−1) | Pos. (cm−1) | Int. (km mol−1) | Symmetry |
a The computed band positions are scaled with a factor of 0.9679. b Only computed modes with intensities ≥20 km mol−1 are listed. c A plateau is observed in the experimental data without resolved features. | |||
803 | 781 | 224 | A′ |
813 | 70 | A′′ | |
932 | 931 | 33 | A′′ |
−c | 983 | 20 | A′ |
1003 | 44 | A′ | |
1107 | 21 | A′ | |
1145 | 1128 | 56 | A′ |
1189 | 1178 | 65 | A′ |
1191 | 46 | A′ | |
1214 | 34 | A′ | |
1352 | 1289 | 39 | A′ |
1305 | 41 | A′ | |
1333 | 147 | A′ | |
1346 | 241 | A′ | |
1389 | 54 | A′ | |
1399 | 39 | A′ | |
1429 | 26 | A′ | |
— | 1467 | 41 | A′ |
1492 | 25 | A′ | |
1553 | 1512 | 27 | A′ |
1528 | 57 | A′ | |
1534 | 71 | A′ | |
1542 | 127 | A′ |
The overall shape of the experimental spectrum is quite well replicated by the convolved calculated spectrum, but the relative intensities do not always match. This effect is sometimes observed, especially for systems with high dissociation thresholds, such as PAHs,9,10,22,23,30,33,41,42 and likely is the result of several effects, such as non-linearities in the multiple-photon excitation in combination with the linear power correction applied.22 Furthermore, there may be an apparent intensity cut-off below which the molecules cannot be excited to above the dissociation threshold with the employed laser powers43–45 (see Section 3.3) and moreover, closely spaced bands in the spectrum may give rise to co-operative effects in the excitation that are absent in a (computed) absorption spectrum.23,46 In addition, there may be flaws in the computed spectra, which would require further computational investigation beyond the scope of this study. The scaled harmonic modes in the 1100 to 1400 cm−1 spectral range do match quite well with the experimental spectrum. A plateau can be observed between 970 and 1100 cm−1. Calculations show three harmonic modes at 983, 1003 and 1107 cm−1 that do not correspond to an experimental IRMPD feature. In the observed spectrum, these features are likely blended, thus resulting in a featureless plateau. The IRMPD feature at 803 cm−1 seems to consist mainly of two modes calculated at 781 and 813 cm−1, albeit the feature is slightly blue-shifted with respect to the calculated 781 cm−1 vibration. The first calculated mode originates from overall in-plane CC and CN stretching, and CH bending, while the latter originates mainly from out-of-plane CH bending and minor out-of-plane CC and CN stretching.
Experimental | Calculatedab | ||
Pos. (cm−1) | Pos. (cm−1) | Int. (km mol−1) | Symmetry |
a The computed band positions are scaled with a factor of 0.9679. b Only modes with intensities ≥20 km mol−1 are listed. | |||
807 | 801 | 54 | A′′ |
814 | 68 | A′′ | |
1130 | 1126 | 22 | A′ |
— | 1155 | 20 | A′ |
1296 | 1291 | 54 | A′ |
1299 | 43 | A′ | |
1335 | 1326 | 27 | A′ |
1340 | 109 | A′ | |
1357 | 35 | A′ | |
1414 | 1421 | 36 | A′ |
1432 | 28 | A′ | |
— | 1461 | 26 | A′ |
1546 | 1540 | 36 | A′ |
1597 | 1593 | 60 | A′ |
1595 | 76 | A′ | |
1612 | 133 | A′ |
Features around 807, 1130, 1296, 1335, 1414, 1546 and 1597 cm−1 can be identified in the IRMPD spectrum of TACH+, the most intense of these being at 1597 cm−1 and 1296 cm−1. According to our calculations the first feature mainly arises from three vibrational modes at 1593, 1595 and 1612 cm−1. The modes at 1593 and 1612 cm−1 originate mostly from in-plane NH and CH bending, with CC stretching and some CN stretching character. Contrarily, the 1595 cm−1 mode involves barely any motion of the NH group and has mostly CC-stretching and in-plane CH bending mode character. The latter feature is calculated to consist of two modes at 1291 and 1299 cm−1. The 1291 cm−1 mode originates from in-plane CC and CN stretching, and CH and NH bending. This is comparable to the 1593 and 1612 cm−1 calculated modes although the CC stretching motion is less pronounced. The 1299 cm−1 mode consists mainly of in-plane CC and CN stretching, and CH bending. Furthermore, this mode involves barely any NH bending.
The TACH+ IRMPD displays no clear features between 820 and 1260 cm−1 (see Fig. S1 in the ESI† for a zoom-in), except for the 1130 cm−1 feature, while modes are predicted to fall in this range. At these frequencies, the calculated intensities of the TACH+ vibrational normal modes are less than 21 km mol−1, which apparently is not enough to drive the molecule to its dissociation threshold using IRMPD. This has been observed in earlier works as well and is not specific to PANHs.43–45TAC˙+ does not seem to have a clear dissociation threshold, likely due to the higher intensity modes compared to TACH+. The intensity reduction in this wavenumber range of the IRMPD spectrum is also observed in an earlier work comparing IRMPD spectra of quinoline˙+ and isoquinoline˙+ to their protonated counterparts,33 with these protonated species showing no distinct bands in the region from ∼820 to ∼1300 cm−1. The calculated modes of TACH+ in the 900 to 980 cm−1 are dominated by out-of-plane CH bending. In-plane CC stretching and, CH and NH bending modes dominate the IR activity between 980 and 1000 cm−1. Within the 1100 to 1260 cm−1 range the calculated modes show mainly in-plane CH and NH bending character with minor CC stretching contribution.
Besides the range spanning 820 to 1260 cm−1, the agreement between the computed (and scaled) normal modes and the IRMPD spectrum is generally good. Especially, the calculated frequencies match the measured IRMPD bands at 807, 1296, 1335, 1546 and 1597 cm−1 well. A discrepancy can be observed for the calculated feature at around 1461 cm−1, which has no distinct experimental counterpart. Also, the calculated spectrum shows a small feature at 762 cm−1, which is not observed in the experimental spectrum, presumably because the dissociation threshold is not reached when exciting the molecule at this frequency.
Many features can be seen in the IRMPD spectrum of which the more pronounced features are broad bands at 808, 1177, 1319, 1582 and 1718 cm−1. The high wavenumber shoulder of the 1319 cm−1 feature seems to contain subtle features at 1373, 1408, 1452 and 1487 cm−1. Similarly, towards the lower wavenumber side of the 1582 cm−1 feature, a peak can be observed at 1539 cm−1. The broad 1177 cm−1 feature seems to consist of multiple vibrational modes.
A lead towards the most likely geometry of [TAC–H + H2O]+ can be found in the feature at 1718 cm−1, which is indicative of the presence of a carbonyl (CO) group.48,49 However, this does not exclude other functional groups, such as a hydroxyl (OH) group, as an IRMPD spectrum can be comprised out of several isomers. A total of 16 plausible isomers were computationally investigated for comparison to the IRMPD spectrum. The geometries of the isomers are optimized and their respective vibrational normal modes are calculated, scaled and convolved with a Gaussian profile. The resulting structures of five plausible isomers, their relative energies and simulated IR spectra calculated using B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) are shown in Fig. 4. The calculated spectra of the other isomers can be found in Fig. S3 in the ESI.†
Isomer 1, 4 and 5 contain a CO group and in isomers 4 and 5 the amide nitrogen is bound to a hydrogen. The remaining hydrogen is bound to one of the other nitrogen atoms. Isomer 1 has no hydrogen bound to the amide nitrogen, and both hydrogens are bound to the other two nitrogen atoms. Isomer 2 and 3 have an OH group bound to the bare carbon that forms upon hydrogen loss from TAC˙+. Both these isomers have no hydrogen bound to the nitrogen adjacent to the COH moiety and only differ, similar to isomer 4 and 5, by a hydrogen being bound to a different nitrogen atom relative to the OH group. Isomer 5 is found to be the lowest energy isomer and the calculated energies of the other isomers, with respect to this isomer, are 3.1, 18.2, 21.2 and 106.1 kJ mol−1 for isomer 4, 3, 2 and 1, respectively.
Comparing the calculated IR spectra of our isomers to the 750–1650 cm−1 range of the IRMPD spectrum, does not allow for an unambiguous assignment of one specific isomer. Isomers 2, 3 and 5 all match quite well with the experimental spectrum, albeit some intensity mismatches are noted. Only isomers 1, 4 and 5 can account for the CO stretching feature observed at 1718 cm−1. The calculated C
O stretching modes for these isomers lay at 1673, 1724 and 1716 cm−1, respectively. Despite having a carbonyl group, isomer 1 does not match the feature at 1718 cm−1, thus indicating that the carbonyl group is likely neighboured by an NH group.
Based on this and the match in the 750–1650 cm−1 range, we tentatively assign isomer 5 to be the most likely candidate for [TAC–H + H2O]+. However, this does not rule out the possibility of several other isomers contributing to the [TAC–H + H2O]+ IRMPD spectrum. Since isomer 4 and 5 are close in energy, we estimated the contribution of both isomers to the IRMPD spectrum at 300 K from the Boltzmann distribution based on their energies obtained from our DFT calculations. This showed a contribution of 22% and 78% isomer 4 and 5, respectively, thus indicating that isomer 4 is a potentially significant component in the IRMPD spectrum. However, this estimation should be treated with care as the energies were calculated using DFT. Perhaps additional measurements could narrow the number of possible contributing isomers. For example, since OH stretching is expected to result in a band around 3600 cm−1,50 an IRMPD measurement in this range might help to confirm or exclude the contribution of the enol isomers.
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Fig. 5 Experimental IRMPD of TAC˙+ (black) and coronene˙+ (green). Both spectra are normalized with respect to their most intense peak. The IRMPD spectrum of coronene˙+ is taken from Oomens et al.22 |
From the comparison of the spectra in the spectral region between 1050 and 1700 cm−1 it is clear that there is remarkable similarity in band positions between the experimental TAC˙+ and Cor˙+ spectra. All of the TAC˙+ features in this region fall within about 3% of the position of the Cor˙+ features. Some clear differences between the two spectra are noted in the 750–1050 cm−1 region. The Cor˙+ spectrum only exhibits a single feature at 849 cm−1, which is attributed to the out-of-plane CH bending mode,22,51 while TAC˙+ exhibits two bands at 803 and 932 cm−1. For the 932 cm−1TAC˙+ feature no counterpart can be identified in the Cor˙+ spectrum, as this feature is mainly inherent to a single out-of-plane CH bending mode neighbouring a nitrogen atom. Despite this, the spectra are thus remarkably similar. This is in agreement with earlier works predicting a minor impact on the overall IR spectrum after nitrogen atom incorporating on the periphery of a pure carbon PAH.26,27
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Fig. 6 (a): Mid-IR spectra of astronomical representative sources of type A (IRAS 23133 + 6050; olive), type B (HD 44179; green), type C (IRAS 13416-6243; blue), and type D (IRAS 05110-6616; purple). All are normalized to the maximum intensity of the 7–8 μm complex and with continuum subtracted. The type D spectrum was recorded using Spitzer/IRS52,53 and the other classes are obtained from ISO/SWS54,55 observations, as calibrated by Sloan et al.56 (b) Experimental IRMPD of TAC˙+ (black) and TACH+ (blue). Both spectra are normalized with respect to their most intense peak. The vertical grey, dashed and blue, dot-dashed lines represent the peaks of the most clear features in the IRMPD spectra of TAC˙+ and TACH+, respectively. |
When comparing the IRMPD of TAC˙+ to the observed astronomical spectra, we find that TAC˙+ does not match well with many of the observed bands in the class A and B spectra, but may still contribute to some extent. Moreover, the modes at 8.41 and 8.73 μm (1189 and 1145 cm−1) can potentially contribute to the shoulders of the broad features in the class C and D spectra. This supports the hypothesis that cationic exo-PANHs can contribute to the AIBs as well. Thus, exo-PANH and PAH cations should both be considered to be contributors to interstellar IR emission bands.
Protonated PANHs have been proposed as possible carriers of the 6.2 μm interstellar emission band.27,33 Ricca et al.27 calculated that these species can give rise to modes in the 6.17 to 6.45 μm range, although, these calculations were performed on molecules containing NC ≥ 51. From our data we find that protonation of TAC results in an IRMPD spectrum with a feature that matches very well with the 6.2 μm interstellar feature in all four classes and suggests medium-sized protonated exo-PANHs may contribute to the 6.2 μm AIB feature. Furthermore, TACH+ has two intense bands at 7.49 and 7.72 μm (1335 and 1296 cm−1), which both match well with the 7.6 μm feature of the class A spectrum. The match with the class A spectrum indicates that TACH+ could be a contributor to the AIBs, therefore suggesting that protonated exo-PANHs are possible carriers of the AIBs.
Based on the match/mismatch with the AIBs it seems that protonated exo-PANHs are more likely contributors than the cationic exo-PANHs. From a physical point of view this is also supported by the fact that exo-PANH radical cations are open-shell species, while protonated exo-PANHs are closed-shell species, making exo-PANH radical cations more reactive with other abundant atoms/molecules such as hydrogen as compared to protonated exo-PANHs. This possibly increases the fraction of interstellar protonated exo-PANH cations at the expense of cationic exo-PANHs.
We compared the experimental IRMPD spectrum of TAC˙+ to the IRMPD spectrum of coronene˙+ (Cor˙+) measured by Oomens et al.22 In the 1050 to 1700 cm−1 wavenumber region we find considerable overlap in band positions between the TAC˙+ and Cor˙+. Discrepancies only arise in the 750 to 1050 cm−1 wavenumber region, where TAC˙+ has two features at 803 and 932 cm−1 and Cor˙+ one at 849 cm−1. Despite these features not overlapping, the spectra are remarkably similar. This is in line with the prediction from earlier works that a minor impact on the overall IR spectrum is expected after nitrogen atom incorporation on the periphery of a pure carbon PAH.
To put TAC˙+ and TACH+ into astronomical context, we compared their IRMPD spectra to observed astronomical mid-IR spectra of spectral type class A to D.6–8 The TAC˙+ IRMPD has a few features that have some overlap with the class C and D. This indicates the potential contribution of TAC˙+ to the class C and D spectra. Thus supporting the idea that cationic exo-PANHs can contribute to the AIBs as well. The IR spectra of exo-PANH cations generally do not match better with the AIBs than their unsubstituted PAH congener, due to the similarity of their IR spectra. So, both exo-PANH and PAH cations should be considered to be potential carriers of AIBs. TACH+ produces an IRMPD spectrum that matches well with the 6.2 μm feature in all four classes. Furthermore, the two intense features at 7.49 and 7.72 μm (1335 and 1296 cm−1) have a considerable match with the 7.6 μm feature of the class A spectrum. This match is indicative of TACH+ being a possible contributor to the AIBs, therefore suggesting the possibility of protonated exo-PANHs being carriers of the AIBs.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2024 |