Issue 44, 2024

Dry desulphurisation of gas streams using KCC-1 mesoporous silica functionalised with deep eutectic solvents


Sulphur dioxide, a toxic gas pollutant, is mainly generated by the combustion of fossil fuels and the smelting of sulphur-bearing mineral ores. Removal of SO2 gas or desulphurisation can be accomplished in industries using a variety of processes; the most efficient is wet flue gas desulphurisation (FGD). However, wet FGD has challenges, such as the requirement for wastewater treatment, excessive water usage, and the necessity for chloride protective coating. Despite having a lesser adsorption capacity than wet FGD, dry FGD can efficiently remove SO2 from the effluent gas stream and avoid the issues associated with wet FGD, provided that the sorbents are modified and regenerable. An alternative dry desulphurisation strategy by using fibrous mesoporous silica (KCC-1) modified with deep eutectic solvents (DES), choline chloride–glycerol (DES1) and choline chloride–ethylene glycol (DES2) is studied in this paper. KCC-1 modified with DES1 is found to increase SO2 adsorption capacity to 4.83 mg g−1, which is 1.73 times greater than unmodified KCC-1 and twice higher than KCC-1 modified with DES2 attributed to the sorbent's high porosity. Increasing reaction temperature and SO2 concentration reduce the adsorption capacity to 1.73 mg g−1 and 2.73 mg g−1, respectively. The Avrami kinetic model and the Toth isotherm model best reflect SO2 adsorption on the modified KCC-1, indicating that SO2 molecules are adsorbed exothermically in multilayer adsorption on a heterogeneous surface through a combination of physical and chemical processes. The higher SO2 adsorption capacity of the modified KCC-1 suggests that choline chloride–glycerol can provide additional sites for SO2 adsorption in dry FGD technology.

Graphical abstract: Dry desulphurisation of gas streams using KCC-1 mesoporous silica functionalised with deep eutectic solvents

Article information

Article type
18 août 2024
22 sept. 2024
First published
23 sept. 2024

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 27988-28001

Dry desulphurisation of gas streams using KCC-1 mesoporous silica functionalised with deep eutectic solvents

M. S. A. Azizman, M. A. Hanif, N. Ibrahim, A. W. Azhari, W. K. Wan Ramli, A. Abdul Jalil, N. S. Hassan, F. F. Abdul Aziz and R. N. H. Raja Nazri, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 27988 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03248A

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