Issue 6, 2024

Cathodic electrodeposition of polymer networks as ultrathin films on 3-D micro-architected electrodes


Advances in precision coatings are critical in enhancing the functionality of porous materials and the performance of three-dimensionally (3-D) micro-architected devices in applications ranging from molecular sorption and separation to energy storage and conversion. To address this need, we report the cathodic electrodeposition of polymer networks (EPoN) that utilizes the coupling between pre-synthesized polymers with electrochemically active end groups and a complementary crosslinker to form a step-growth polymer network. The electrochemically mediated crosslinking reaction confines the network formation to the electrode surface in a passivating and self-limiting film growth, preventing uncontrolled precipitation and deposition away from the surface. The cathodic electrodeposition is compatible with a variety of conductive substrates, which is demonstrated for 3-D carbons and metals with micron-scale pores of high aspect ratio. The entire pore surface of the 3-D electrodes is enveloped by a conformal polymer thin film that is free of detectable defects and highly electronically insulating for its potential use as an ultrathin artificial electrolyte interphase or solid polymer electrolyte. Since our EPoN concept decouples the polymer functionality from its electrodeposition chemistry, we envision it to be a widely applicable method to coat various conductive non-planar and micro-architected 3-D substrates with polymers of broad functionalities.

Graphical abstract: Cathodic electrodeposition of polymer networks as ultrathin films on 3-D micro-architected electrodes

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Article type
03 juin 2024
10 sept. 2024
First published
18 sept. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Appl. Polym., 2024,2, 1139-1146

Cathodic electrodeposition of polymer networks as ultrathin films on 3-D micro-architected electrodes

Z. Zheng, A. B. Resing, W. Wang and J. G. Werner, RSC Appl. Polym., 2024, 2, 1139 DOI: 10.1039/D4LP00180J

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