Issue 22, 2024

Controlling nano- and microfilament morphology by strategically placing chiral centers in the side chains of bent-core molecules


Self-assembled lamellar nano- and microfilaments formed by select types of bent-core molecules are prime examples of the interplay between molecular conformation and morphological chirality. Here, we demonstrate how the strategic placement of chiral centers at C-1 and/or C-3 in the terminal alkyloxy side chains, largely based on a priori calculations of molecular conformation, leads to the predictable formation of increasingly complex nano- and microfilament morphologies. Adding to the previously described diversity of twisted and writhed filament types, we here demonstrate and explain the formation and coexistence of flat nanoribbons, nanocylinders, or nano- as well as microfilaments where the morphology spontaneously changes along the filament long axis. For some these more exotic types of filament morphology, helical multilayer filaments suddenly unwind to form flat nanoribbons that also twist again under preservation (not perversion) of the helical twist sense. Moreover, the morphologies formed by this series of molecules now allows us to demonstrate the complete transformation from flat multilayer ribbons over microfilaments and helical-wrapped nanocylinders to helical nanofilaments depending on the number and position of chiral centers in the aliphatic side chains.

Graphical abstract: Controlling nano- and microfilament morphology by strategically placing chiral centers in the side chains of bent-core molecules

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Article information

Article type
09 sept. 2024
07 oct. 2024
First published
08 oct. 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 5550-5563

Controlling nano- and microfilament morphology by strategically placing chiral centers in the side chains of bent-core molecules

A. Gowda, G. Acharjee, S. K. Pathak, G. A. R. Rohaley, A. Shah, R. P. Lemieux, M. E. Prévôt and T. Hegmann, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 5550 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH01243G

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