Issue 14, 2024

Unravelling a bench-stable zinc-amide compound as highly active multitasking catalyst for radical-mediated selective alk(en)ylation of unactivated carbocycles under mild conditions


The direct functionalization of unactivated organic moieties via C–C bond formation has long fascinated synthetic chemists. Although base-metal systems are steadily emerging in this area, achieving multitasking activity in a single catalyst to execute several such functionalizations under mild conditions is challenging. To address this, we herein report an effective protocol for the selective C-alk(en)ylation of indene/fluorene with alcohol as a green alkylating agent employing a naturally abundant and eco-friendly zinc-derived compound, for the first time. Notably, this study unveils the unique potential of a bench-stable Zn compound bearing an amidated imidazolium salt towards C–C bond-forming reactions utilizing an array of alcohols, ranging from aliphatic to aromatic and, attractively, even secondary alcohols. Moreover, this readily scalable protocol, which proceeds via an underdeveloped radical-mediated borrowing hydrogen protocol (an aldehyde is generated from an alcohol, and subsequent condensation with indene/fluorene provides the corresponding alkenylated products) established based on a range of control experiments, works effortlessly under mild conditions using a low catalyst loading. Notably, this approach affords remarkable selectivity towards alkylated or alkenylated products with a high level of functional group tolerance and chemoselectivity. Crucially, the catalytic activity of these Zn compounds can be attributed to their hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) capability, while their selectivity towards different products can be understood in terms of employed reaction conditions. Lastly, the synthetic utility of obtained products was showcased by their late-stage functionalization to access unsymmetrical 9,9-disubstituted fluorenes, which are potentially useful for various optoelectronic applications.

Graphical abstract: Unravelling a bench-stable zinc-amide compound as highly active multitasking catalyst for radical-mediated selective alk(en)ylation of unactivated carbocycles under mild conditions

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Article type
Edge Article
27 nov. 2023
20 févr. 2024
First published
24 févr. 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 5238-5247

Unravelling a bench-stable zinc-amide compound as highly active multitasking catalyst for radical-mediated selective alk(en)ylation of unactivated carbocycles under mild conditions

S. Sahoo, S. Manna and A. Rit, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 5238 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06334H

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