Issue 24, 2024

The importance of understanding (pre)catalyst activation in versatile C–H bond functionalisations catalysed by [Mn2(CO)10]


Mn-catalysed reactions offer great potential in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry and the success of Mn carbonyl complexes as (pre)catalysts hinges on their stabilisation by strong field ligands enabling Mn(I)-based, redox neutral, catalytic cycles. The mechanistic processes underpinning the activation of the ubiquitous Mn(0) (pre)catalyst [Mn2(CO)10] in C–H bond functionalisation reactions is now reported for the first time. By combining time-resolved infra-red (TRIR) spectroscopy on a ps–ms timescale and in operando studies using in situ infra-red spectroscopy, insight into the microscopic bond activation processes which lead to the catalytic activity of [Mn2(CO)10] has been gained. Using an exemplar system, based on the annulation between an imine, 1, and Ph2C2, 2, TRIR spectroscopy enabled the key intermediate [Mn2(CO)9(1)], formed by CO loss from [Mn2(CO)10], to be identified. In operando studies demonstrate that [Mn2(CO)9(1)] is also formed from [Mn2(CO)10] under the catalytic conditions and is converted into a mononuclear manganacycle, [Mn(CO)4(C^N)] (C^N = cyclometallated imine), a second molecule of 1 acts as the oxidant which is, in turn, reduced to an amine. As [Mn(CO)4(C^N)] complexes are catalytically competent, a direct route from [Mn2(CO)10] into the Mn(I) catalytic reaction coordinate has been determined. Critically, the mechanistic differences between [Mn2(CO)10] and Mn(I) (pre)catalysts have been delineated, informing future catalyst screening studies.

Graphical abstract: The importance of understanding (pre)catalyst activation in versatile C–H bond functionalisations catalysed by [Mn2(CO)10]

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Article type
Edge Article
20 févr. 2024
02 mai 2024
First published
03 mai 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 9183-9191

The importance of understanding (pre)catalyst activation in versatile C–H bond functionalisations catalysed by [Mn2(CO)10]

J. B. Eastwood, T. J. Burden, L. A. Hammarback, C. Horbaczewskyj, T. F. N. Tanner, I. P. Clark, G. Greetham, M. Towrie, I. J. S. Fairlamb and J. M. Lynam, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 9183 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC01215A

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