Issue 39, 2024

Thermal stability enhancement of an Mn4+-activated germanate phosphor by a cationic non-equivalent substitution strategy


Mn4+-activated red-emitting materials have garnered significant attention as a research focus due to their potential in enhancing plant growth. Nonetheless, the creation of thermally stable and high-efficiency red phosphors poses a major challenge, particularly for commercial use. In this research, we utilized a cationic substitution strategy to refine the Mn4+ doped germanate phosphor. By replacing Mg2+ ions with Sc3+ ions in the Mg14−xScxGe5O24:Mn4+ (MSGO:Mn4+) phosphor, the emission intensity at room temperature was nearly doubled compared to the non-substituted sample. This enhancement is ascribed to the resonance-enhanced emission effect resulting from lattice distortion. The incorporation of Sc3+ ions also led to a marked rise in the internal quantum efficiency, from 65.14% to 91.14%, and an enhancement in the external quantum efficiency from 47.27% to 70.11%. Moreover, Sc3+ doping induced negative thermal quenching, as indicated by the sustained increase in the photoluminescence intensity of the Mg14−xScxGe5O24:Mn4+ phosphor from 25.1 °C to 225.1 °C, which can be attributed to the introduction of defect energy levels. Ultimately, the optimized Mg13.75Sc0.25Ge5O24:0.01Mn4+ phosphor was integrated with a blue LED chip to create an LED device, showcasing its application potential in the field of plant lighting.

Graphical abstract: Thermal stability enhancement of an Mn4+-activated germanate phosphor by a cationic non-equivalent substitution strategy

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Article type
09 juil. 2024
26 août 2024
First published
09 sept. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 15924-15933

Thermal stability enhancement of an Mn4+-activated germanate phosphor by a cationic non-equivalent substitution strategy

H. Wu, B. Zhang, X. Zou, M. S. Molokeev, X. Zhang, Z. Wang, X. Shuang and H. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 15924 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC02903H

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