Issue 43, 2024

In situ preparation of highly luminescent Sb3+/Mn2+ co-doped Cs2KInCl6 lead-free double perovskites in a PVDF matrix and application to white light emitting diodes and anti-counterfeiting


Recently, lead-free double perovskites have been regarded as a promising alternative to lead halide perovskites due to their wide emission band, and environmental protection and stability properties, and are expected to become a series of rising star materials in the lighting field. However, currently, the growth of most lead-free double perovskites occurs in the strong acid environment, which not only brings high cost and environment risk, but also makes it hard to realize large-scale applications with powder products. Herein, we apply a strategy of in situ synthesis of lead-free double perovskites in a polymer matrix by using a small amount of precursors and relatively friendly DMSO solvent to obtain efficiently luminescent Sb3+/Mn2+ co-doped Cs2KInCl6/PVDF composite films in a large-area. The co-doping of Mn2+/Sb3+ into this inorganic double perovskite matrix makes microcrystals with good crystallinity and size distribution in this polymer. The as prepared co-doping composite film with Mn/Sb feeding ratio 16 : 1 shows the brightest white light emission under 320 nm excitation, with a photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) as high as 86.98%. The energy transfer (E-T) from the charge-transfer band to the triplet self-trapped exciton (STE) around Sb3+ and then to the ferromagnetic (FM) coupled Mn2+ pair 3d state was confirmed by the temperature-dependent PL spectra and density functional theory calculations. Finally, a single-compound white light emitting diode with chromatic coordinates of (0.31, 0.33) and fluorescent anti-counterfeiting labels could be fabricated based on this composite film with the best white emission. This work provides a new strategy for the application of lead-free double perovskites in the fields of lighting and anti-counterfeiting.

Graphical abstract: In situ preparation of highly luminescent Sb3+/Mn2+ co-doped Cs2KInCl6 lead-free double perovskites in a PVDF matrix and application to white light emitting diodes and anti-counterfeiting

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Article information

Article type
19 août 2024
19 sept. 2024
First published
20 sept. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 17458-17468

In situ preparation of highly luminescent Sb3+/Mn2+ co-doped Cs2KInCl6 lead-free double perovskites in a PVDF matrix and application to white light emitting diodes and anti-counterfeiting

Y. Dong, W. Li, T. Huang, S. Ge, L. Kong, C. Ning, Z. Li, W. Gao and B. Zou, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 17458 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03527E

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