Issue 4, 2025

Evolution of electronic structure and optical properties of naphthalenediimide dithienylvinylene (NDI-TVT) polymer as a function of reduction level: a density functional theory study


Naphthalenediimide (NDI)-based donor–acceptor co-polymers with tunable electronic, optical, mechanical, and transport properties have shown immense potential as n-type conducting polymers in organic (opto)electronics. During the operation, the polymers undergo reduction at different charged states, which alters their (opto)electronic properties mainly due to the formation of the quasiparticles, polaron/bipolaron. The theoretical study based on quantum mechanical calculations can provide us with a detailed understanding of their (opto)electronic properties, which is missing to a great extent. To date, a theoretical understanding of how these properties vary with reduction levels for NDI-based polymers is completely missing. Herein, the evolution of the electronic structure and optical properties of the naphthalenediimide dithienylvinylene (NDI-TVT) polymer with varying reduction levels (Cred) is studied using density functional theory and time-dependent density functional theory, respectively, in the gaseous phase and solvent phase. We have envisaged that at lower reduction levels, Cred ≤ 100% (i.e., up to one negative charge per NDI moiety), only radical anions, i.e., polarons, are formed. The bipolarons are observed to be formed only at higher reduction levels, Cred > 100%. We note the coexistence of polarons and bipolarons for the intermediate reduction levels (100% < Cred < 200%). Finally, at 200% reduction levels, the presence of two electrons per NDI unit leads to the completely spin-resolved bipolaronic state formation, where one bipolaron is localized at every NDI unit. This aforementioned evolution of polarons and bipolarons with varying reduction levels is also prominently reflected in the calculated UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra. The detailed theoretical insights gained from the evolution of the (opto)electronic properties of NDI-TVT with reduction levels due to the formation of polaronic/bipolaronic states can guide the systematic design of n-type NDI-TVT-based (opto)electronic devices and in their advancement.

Graphical abstract: Evolution of electronic structure and optical properties of naphthalenediimide dithienylvinylene (NDI-TVT) polymer as a function of reduction level: a density functional theory study

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Article type
12 juil. 2024
20 nov. 2024
First published
09 janv. 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025,27, 2177-2191

Evolution of electronic structure and optical properties of naphthalenediimide dithienylvinylene (NDI-TVT) polymer as a function of reduction level: a density functional theory study

S. S. Jena, M. Garg and S. Ghosh, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025, 27, 2177 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP02770A

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