Issue 4, 2025

Short-range order and hidden energy scale in geometrically frustrated magnets


In geometrically frustrated (GF) magnets, conventional long-range order is suppressed due to the presence of primitive triangular structural units, and the nature of the ensuing ground state remains elusive. One class of candidate states, extensively sought in experiments and vigorously studied theoretically, is the quantum spin liquid (QSL), a magnetically-disordered state in which all spins participate in a quantum-coherent many-body state. Randomly located impurities, present in all materials, may prevent QSL formation and instead lead to the formation of a spin-glass state. In this article, we review available data on the specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and neutron scattering in GF materials. Such data show that a pure GF magnet possesses a characteristic “hidden energy scale” significantly exceeded by the other microscopic energy scales in the material. When cooled down to a temperature below the hidden energy scale, a GF material develops significant short-range order that dominates its properties and, in particular, dictates the spin-glass transition temperature for experimentally accessible impurity densities. We review the manifestations of short-range order in the commonly observed thermodynamics quantities in GF materials, possible scenarios for the hidden energy scale, and related open questions.

Graphical abstract: Short-range order and hidden energy scale in geometrically frustrated magnets

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Article type
Review Article
09 sept. 2024
27 déc. 2024
First published
10 janv. 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Mater. Adv., 2025,6, 1213-1229

Short-range order and hidden energy scale in geometrically frustrated magnets

A. P. Ramirez and S. V. Syzranov, Mater. Adv., 2025, 6, 1213 DOI: 10.1039/D4MA00914B

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