Issue 2, 2025

Graphene-based electrochemical sensors for antibiotics: sensing theories, synthetic methods, and on-site monitoring applications


Owing to the extensive use of antibiotics for treating infectious diseases in livestock and humans, the resulting residual antibiotics are a burden to the ecosystem and human health. Hence, for human health and ecological safety, it is critical to determine the residual antibiotics with accuracy and convenience. Graphene-based electrochemical sensors are an effective tool to detect residual antibiotics owing to their advantages, such as, high sensitivity, simplicity, and time efficiency. In this work, we comprehensively summarize the recent advances in graphene-based electrochemical sensors used for detecting antibiotics, including modifiers for electrode fabrication, theoretical elaboration of electrochemical sensing mechanisms, and practical applications of portable electrochemical platforms for the on-site monitoring of antibiotics. It is anticipated that the current review will be a valuable reference for comprehensively comprehending graphene-based electrochemical sensors and further promoting their applications in the fields of healthcare, environmental protection, and food safety.

Graphical abstract: Graphene-based electrochemical sensors for antibiotics: sensing theories, synthetic methods, and on-site monitoring applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
17 juin 2024
30 sept. 2024
First published
07 oct. 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2025,12, 343-363

Graphene-based electrochemical sensors for antibiotics: sensing theories, synthetic methods, and on-site monitoring applications

Y. Zhu, C. Ye, X. Xiao, Z. Sun, X. Li, L. Fu, H. Karimi-Maleh, J. Chen and C. Lin, Mater. Horiz., 2025, 12, 343 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00776J

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