Issue 3, 2025

Mechanical properties of two-dimensional material-based thin films: a comprehensive review


Two-dimensional (2D) materials are materials with a thickness of one or a few atoms with intriguing electrical, chemical, optical, electrochemical, and mechanical properties. Therefore, they are deemed candidates for ubiquitous engineering applications. Films and three-dimensional (3D) structures made from 2D materials introduce a distinct assembly structure that imparts the inherent properties of pristine 2D materials on a macroscopic scale. Acquiring the adequate strength and toughness of 2D material structures is of great interest due to their high demand for numerous industrial applications. This work presents a comprehensive review of the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of robust films composed of 2D materials that help them to attain other extraordinary properties. Moreover, the various key factors affecting the mechanical performance of such thin films, such as the lateral size of nanoflakes, fabrication technique of the film, thickness of the film, post-processing, and strain rate, are elucidated.

Graphical abstract: Mechanical properties of two-dimensional material-based thin films: a comprehensive review

Article information

Article type
Review Article
24 août 2024
26 nov. 2024
First published
23 déc. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Horiz., 2025,10, 512-536

Mechanical properties of two-dimensional material-based thin films: a comprehensive review

A. Kamal, B. Li, A. Solayman, S. Luo, I. Kinloch, L. Zheng and K. Liao, Nanoscale Horiz., 2025, 10, 512 DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00425F

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